Tennessee farmers, agriculture officials, legislators, 4-H members, and FFA members gathered today with citizens from across the state for Ag Day on the Hill in Nashville. The event coincides with National Agriculture Week and recognizes the farmers and forestland owners who are dedicated to feeding, building, clothing, and fueling our world.
Governor Bill Lee kicked off the day with a proclamation for Ag Day to recognize the abundance provided by agriculture. In Tennessee, ag-related industries employee 324,000 people and infuse $81 billion into our economy.
“Today we celebrated the dedication of farmers and foresters,” Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher, D.V.M. said. “It was a great time for the ag industry to be together and showcase Tennessee’s number one industry. I am a fifth-generation dairy farmer, so the milking contest was an enjoyable part of today’s festivities.”
This year’s Ag Day on Hill spotlighted the dairy industry. Members of state legislature and state executive leadership squared off in a milking contest. Today’s winners were the executive branch team who earned a commemorative award and bragging rights. The Farm and Forest Families of Tennessee organization presented a $1,000 check in honor of the milking contest winners to the Shooting Hunger Backpack program.
Ag Day on the Hill featured a variety of events and exhibits, livestock displays, and many representatives from the agriculture and forest industries.