A Farm Bill Meeting is planned for Monday, January 26, 2015; 10:00 AM at the Woodbury Lions Club Building. Topics Include Farm Bill Programs & Decisions Specific to Row Crop Production in Tennessee:
• Price Loss Coverage (PLC)
• Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO)
• FSA Online Decision Aids
• Base Acre Reallocation
• Yield Updates
• Agricultural Risk Coverage (ARC)
Learning more about ARC & PLC is extremely important for row crop producers who must make a one-time decision about base and yield updates by February 27th, 2015, as well as ARC or PLC election by March 31st, 2015. UT and USDA-FSA representatives will be in attendance to answer questions on ARC & PLC policy and procedure. Although the meeting is free and open to the public; please contact UT Extension Cannon County at (615) 563-2554 or bsteelman@utk.edu(DeKalb County at 615-597-4945 or mbarry@utk.eduor Donny Green, County Executive Director, DeKalb/Cannon County Farm Service Agency, (615) 597-8225, Ext. 103 to register for planning purposes for lunch. The lunch is being sponsored by Farm Credit.This program, like all UT Extension programs, is open to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability or veteran status.
For additional information concerning the Farm Bill, each Tuesday, starting January 20th and concluding March 24th, University of Tennessee Extension will host a weekly 1-hour online webcast starting at 8:30 am CST where producers and agri-industry can ask questions and obtain information about Farm Bill programs and decisions. The webcast can be accessed at: http://economics.ag.utk.edu/farmbill.html