The last American Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by the Woodbury Lions Club in November had 69 donors to register from which 60 units of blood were collected. The drive in November honored Cannon County High School Student Tommy Drake and people brought in aluminum can tabs also in which the Cannon County Rescue Squad helped. A total of 165 tabs were collected and turned in to the Ronald McDonald House. Today from noon to 6 is the bi monthly blood drive of the American Red Cross. The Red Cross would like to encourage all those that are eligible to donate blood sometime today. Blood supply is short simply because of the holidays and people getting back into their regular daily routine. People just haven’t had the time to stop and donate blood. Today offers an excellent opportunity to donate blood as the Lions Club blood drives are some of the most top producing blood drives in the State. The blood drive will take place at the Woodbury Lions Club building from noon until 6.