Cannon County residents might have a trash problem in the future if predictions come true and the Middle Point Landfill located in Rutherford County closes down like officials are saying. Mac Nolen who is the director of the Rutherford County Solid Waste department, made a presentation during Saturday’s regular monthly meeting of the Cannon County Commissioners stated that the officials of the Middle Point Landfill announced that the landfill is expected to close by the year 2028. That would leave Cannon and 18 other Middle Tennessee Counties with the problem of finding a place to permanently dump their garbage in. Officials are busy looking for other solutions and hope to come up with some viable options to consider over the next couple of years. Nolen says that the duration of the landfill permanently closing might be a little longer with emphasis of residents and commercial businesses recycling but another solution of finding a different spot to start a landfill will be necessary. Either way Nolen cautions that the cost of collecting and hauling waste might increase once it gets closer to that date. Cannon is expected to be kept up to date with this issue. Employee of the year awards were presented by the American Legion Post to the County Employees selected by their supervisors. Angela Schwartz who works in the Property Assessor office was the County Executive’s Office Employee of the Year. Bill Avera, who recently retired from the Cannon County Sheriff’s Department was the Deputy of the Year. Jason Barrett was recognized as the EMT of the year. Larry Powell was recognized as the Fire Fighter of the year, Jonathan Scurlock received the first responder of the year award. and Joe Loftus, Outstanding Paramedic
In other actions of the Cannon County commissioners during their three hour meeting. County Executive Mike Gannon was elected chairman and Brent Bush was elected chairman pro-tem.
The Commission approved the recommendation of Shawn Harwood to the Industrial Development Board. The Commission did not approve the recommendations to the Cannon County Audit Committee which were Sue Conley and Commissioner Jamie Holloway. Some commissioners felt that there was a conflict of interest of Holloway serving on the Committee since he is a commissioner. The two audit committee members who’s term comes up are Glenn Steakley who is currently a Cannon County Commissioner and Gary Hancock. The motion failed by a 5-3 vote. Holloway and Todd Hollandsworth were absent from the meeting.
The Commission also approved resolution 2015-9 which was a one year note for the Ambulance Service. They also approved resolution 2015-10 which goes for the purchase of a truck for $75,000 for the Cannon County Rescue Squad truck. The truck’s total cost is $120,000 but the Rescue Squad has come up with 40% of the costs and it was agreed that the Commission would fund the rest of the purchase.