Confusion Over Who Makes Decision Of Administrator of Elections

Will there be a change in the Cannon County Administrator of Elections position for 2015-2017? That issue is scheduled to be discussed at the next Cannon County Election Commission meeting Monday April 13th.  However some people may be confused on how that process works.  Jim Gibbs chairman of the Cannon County Republican party states that because of the number of calls fielded by members of the party suggest that there are those that believe the possible change in administration is the responsibility of the party.  The matter of nominations of the Cannon County Administrator of Elections for the years 2015-2017 will be accepted from the floor at Monday’s meeting is on the official agenda of the meeting however neither the Republican nor the Democratic parties of Cannon County are responsible for making those decisions and nominations.  Those responsibilites lie with the Election Commission themselves as they will be the ones making the nominations for the position in the first place.  With this controversial issue up for discussion, Monday’s meeting should be well attended.  For more items on the official agenda submitted by the Election Office to WBRY radio please refer to the agenda placed on the website on March 31st.