There’ll be an upcoming meeting between the Cannon County Audit Committee, the State CTAS agency and the Department Heads of all County Offices within the next month. The Cannon County Commissioners during their regular monthly meeting requested Chairman Mike Gannon put the invitiations to the meeting in motion. The idea came into play after Commissioner Glenn Steakley who also serves on the County Audit Committee reported to the Commission that for a third year in a row the audit committee has made two recommendations to the county in regards to the yearly state audit. One was to update the county policies. That recommendation has been done and is in place now. The second one however is to develop operating procedures and job descriptions for each county department. Many times a finding by the state audit could possibly be avoided as employees wouldn’t know certain actions would result in that particular finding. Operating procedures and job descriptions would be instrumental in helping in those cases. The group will be working together on the recommendation to develop the procedures and descriptions. Other items on the agenda approved by the commissioners. Budget amendments submitted by County General, Sheriff’s Department, Reach and Ambulance Service were all approved. The Commissioners discussed the stray animal problem in the county. They are limited by what they can do to resolve the problem. Chairman Gannon said he would check with programs in Wilson and Rutherford County and is currently checking with Dekalb to see if it’s feasible to enter a joint partnership with them on the problem.