Tennessee Commissioner of Education Dr. Penny Schwinn will visit Cannon County on Friday, April 16th, 2021. She will visit Woodland Elementary School and Cannon County High School.

While at Woodland Elementary School Commissioner Schwinn will visit students in classrooms and will focus on the implementation of the Governor’s Civics Mini Grant Program of $15,000.00 that the school received last year. The purpose of these grants is to fund school and district initiatives that provide programs, resources, and professional development that emphasize life-long civic learning and an opportunity for schools and districts to earn the Governor’s Civics Seal in the2020-2021 and 2021-22 school year.
At Cannon County High School, the Commissioner will also visit with students and teachers in CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes with work, programs, related content and classrooms being emphasized.
Accompanying Commissioner Schwinn will be both a videographer and photographer from Chiefs for Change, a national network state and district leaders who work to support best work for students, schools, and districts. They are building a feature on Tennessee’s efforts, and we are delighted they’ll have a chance to highlight Cannon County Schools. Tennessee State Senator Mark Pody and Tennessee State Representative Clark Boyd will also be accompanying the Commissioner.
Director of Cannon County Schools, Mr. William F. Curtis stated, “We are very excited to have Commissioner Schwinn, some of her team, and our State Senator Mark Pody and State Representative Clark Boyd in two of our seven Cannon County Schools. Our Cannon County Schools Family welcomes this visit and our proud to showcase the great teaching and learning taking place in regard to Civics Education and our Career-Technical Education Program at Cannon County High School. An added bonus is having the personnel of the Chiefs for Change organization to showcase our CTE programming at Cannon County High School. We are very appreciative to have Commissioner Schwinn take her valuable time to come to Cannon County to visit with our outstanding educators and staff that demonstrate that we are living OUR VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ through OUR MISSION – ‘To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential.’”