“Christmas is fast approaching and there are still needy children and families on our Secret Santa waiting list,” said Cannon County Coordinator Amanda Hammond. “It’s not too late for your family, business, or your organization to get involved.”
“Bringing joy to children who need it most is what the holidays are really all about,” encouraged Hammond. “Please consider sponsoring a family and help us bring the magic of Christmas to children who have had a difficult year.”
There are three ways you can make a difference this Christmas:
- Sponsor a family as their Secret Santa. Shop from the children’s wish list provided by the CAC and purchase gift cards for food.
- Be a Secret Santa by providing gift cards for the family to purchase Christmas gifts and food. This is a great option if you don’t have time to shop.
- Sponsor the Child Advocacy Center during the holidays by providing a special offering, in-kind gift, or financial contribution. Your sponsorship will help us continue to provide crisis intervention services free of charge to children and families.
It is a simple process. Visit the Child Advocacy Center website at www.cacrutherford.org/secret-santa to download a sponsor form, fill it out, and send it back to us!
Email: Amanda Hammond at ahammond@cannoncac.org.
Mail: 214 West Water Street, Woodbury, TN 37190
Fax: (615) 563-9916
“The Christmas drop off dates are a little earlier this year – December 8 and 9, but don’t worry, there’s still time!” concluded Hammond
For any questions about becoming a Secret Santa or if you need help filling out the form, call the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center office at (615) 563-9915.
The Child Advocacy Center works as a multi-disciplinary team with Department of Children’s Services, law enforcement, and the District Attorney’s Office to respond to child abuse, child sexual abuse, and children exposed to their parent’s drug use. The organization is a 501c3 non-profit agency and your contribution is tax deductible.