More burglaries around this past Christmas are still being reported to the Cannon County Sheriff’s Department. According to department reports earlier this week Mr. A.W. Thomas of Hill Creek Road went to the Sheriff’s office and spoke with Deputy Lee Colwell. Mr. Thomas said that someone had broken into his Big Hill residence a couple of time around the week of Christmas. Mr. Thomas stated that his wife had been to the house almost daily until he had some surgeries and miscellaneous frequent doctor visits in December. Mr. Thomas said they went to the residence before Christmas, they noticed that the french doors had been broken into and found items to be missing from the residence. A week later they found the basement door broken into and appeared to be more items missing. Mr. Thomas found a piece of a taillight by the french doors, a can of deodorant, and a pocket knife. Some of the items stolen was a 1999 Yamaha Grizzly, air compressor, hedge clippers, shop vac and several ladders.