The Tennessee 4-H Livestock program offers many opportunities for 4-Her’s to exhibit beef cattle throughout the state. In addition, youth may participate in livestock judging competitions, skillathon contests, 4-H Project Achievement, and Beef Quiz Bowl. Cannon County 4-H Member, Chloe Dill, participated in the Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition by showing beef cattle and participating in skillathon. This years’ Beef Expo took place at Tennessee Livestock Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. The beef project assists young people in gaining skills in animal care, nutrition, responsibility, grooming, and showing. Chloe came away from the multi-county and State Livestock Shows with several awards and a wonderful experience. At the multi-county Chloe’s Commercial Heifer won Championship! Congratulations to Chloe Dill for receiving 1st place in her class and being recognized during the Championship Class at the state show. We are proud of Chloe for her hard work and achievement! If you have any questions about the 4-H Program, please call the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554