“In the first three quarters of 2015, the Child Protective Investigative Team has investigated 1,931 child abuse cases and 5 children’s deaths,” announced Christina Moody, Rutherford County Department of Children’s Services Office of Child Safety Investigations Coordinator.
The Child Advocacy Center Board of Directors, staff, and the Child Protective Investigative Team members will raise the Children’s Memorial Flag to commemorate child abuse victims on November 11, 2015 at 12:45 p.m. at the Child Advocacy Center, located at 1040 Samsonite Blvd., Murfreesboro. The community is invited to attend the event.
“We raise the flag to symbolize all the children in Rutherford and Cannon Counties that have been victims of child abuse this past year. We want to remember the children who were abused and the children whose lives have been lost,” said Ryan Wallace, Child Advocacy Center Community Education Coordinator.
November 1-19 are the dates of the 19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Violence toward Children and Youth. 19 local agencies have partnered for the “19 Days of Activism.” The partner agencies are: CADCOR, Centerstone, Department of Children’s Services, District Attorney’s Office for the 16th Judicial District, The Family Center, Guidance Center, Kymari House, La Vergne Police Department, Last Call 4 Grace Ministries, Mental Health Cooperative, MTSU Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, Murfreesboro City Schools, Murfreesboro Police Department, Nurses for Newborns, Our Kids Center, Percy Priest Lodge #85 Fraternal Order of Police, Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office, Smyrna Police Department, and the Child Advocacy Center.
“Every child deserves a safe home and school and to live a life free from abuse and violence. The theme of the ‘19 Days of Action’ is bullying,” said Child Advocacy Center director De Boer. “The partner agencies are participating in a media campaign to educate the public on the work they do to eradicate child abuse and bullying in our community. Our goal is to let families know that there is help out there for children and families that need help.”
During the “19 Days of Activism,” the Child Advocacy Center and their community partners have two goals. The first goal is that the organizations that serve child abuse victims are sponsoring 19 press releases every day for 19 days to educate the community about child abuse, the impact of bullying on children and youth, and the resources that are available to assist children and families.
The second goal is that the Child Advocacy Center is sponsoring “Darkness to Light” trainings to educate parents and grandparents how to protect children from child sexual abuse. In 2012, the Child Advocacy Center began a new initiative called “Darkness to Light.” Since then, over 5,500 parents, grandparents, and professionals have been trained in Rutherford and Cannon Counties, and over one million have been trained worldwide how to protect children from child sexual abuse and what to do if their child reports abuse to them.
De Boer stated, “Call the Child Advocacy Center today and sign up for a “Darkness to Light” child sexual abuse prevention training. We want to train you so that no child you love ever experiences the horrors of child sexual abuse.”
To bring a free child sexual abuse prevention training to your business, civic group, church, school, PTO, or sports league, please contact the Child Advocacy Center. In Rutherford County, call Ryan Wallace at 615-867-9000. In Cannon County, call Amanda Pruitt at 615-563-9915.
For more information on the “19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Abuse and Violence toward Children and Youth” visit the Women’s World Summit Foundation website at http://19days.woman.ch/index.php/en/
The community is invited to attend the flag raising to commemorate child abuse victims on November 11 at 12:45 p.m. at the Child Advocacy Center, located at 1040 Samsonite Blvd., Murfreesboro.