Chamber Of Commerce Votes To Include City And County Government Officials

The Town of Woodbury Aldermen asked and the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce is providing a solid answer. Recently, at a Cannon County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors regular meeting, Chamber President Ron Fryar reported that he had been approached by a Woodbury Town Alderman as to why the City or County did not have a representative on the Chamber Board.  Several board members were in agreement that this would be a positive move to include the Woodbury Town Mayor or an alderman,Town of Auburntown Mayor or town council member and the County Executive or Cannon County commissioner to serve in a ex-officio capacity.  A motion was made at the meeting to ask County Executive Mike Gannon, Woodbury Mayor Harold Patrick and Auburntown Mayor Roger Turney to either serve or recommend someone to serve for the purpose of sharing information with their governing bodies.  The ex-officio member would not have voting privileges and would serve for a one year term.  Chamber of Commerce bylaws would be amended to reflect the three ex-officio members.