Forecasted Freezing Temps Should Pause Planting

From Bruce Steelman, UT Extension Office

We keep sliding back into a ‘below normal’ temperature pattern for April, and close to freezing temperatures with rain in this week’s forecast has created some concern about viability of corn and soybeans planted this week. Based on current weather reports, nighttime temperatures are forecasted to be close to freezing Tuesday and Wednesday night with some rain expected Tuesday in west Tennessee.  Any time soil temperatures drop below 40 degrees, there can be a severe impact on corn and soybean seed planted prior to the cold temperature.  Corn and soybean seed are actually sensitive to soil and soil water temperatures below 50 F during the first 36-48 hours of planting (corn) or 24 hours of planting (soybean).  Seed planted into moist soil will start to imbibe water quickly. ‘Imbibition’ (rapid water uptake) under cold conditions during the critical first hours of germination can lead to nonviable seed and aborted growth of the radicle (root) and shoot/seedling.  Chilling injury while imbibing water is more likely to occur when the field receives rain on top of cold temperatures, or in saturated soils.  By about 48 hours after planting, both corn and soybean seed absorb water through a slower process known as osmosis and are less susceptible to chilling injury when soil temperature drops below 50 F for brief periods of time.  Germination may be delayed but should still occur. Consider hitting the pause button on corn and soybean planting, wait for this system to pass through and soil temperatures to improve.  Nighttime temperatures are projected to be better on Friday and the weekend, but not actually back above 50 F for consecutive days until next Monday (the 26th).

Employment Increased Across the State During March

In March, Tennessee employers had the most people on their payrolls since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic one year ago. Despite the increase in job creation during the month, the state did experience a slight increase in overall unemployment.

According to newly released data from the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD), unemployment increased 0.1 of a percentage point to 5% in March.

The new jobless rate continues to sit near pre-pandemic levels. Over the past year, Tennessee’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate increased from 4% in March 2020, to 5% this year.

Tennessee employers added 15,400 employees to their payrolls between February and March. The state experienced its most substantial job growth in the trade/transportation/utilities sector. The leisure/hospitality and government sectors followed with the next highest increases in jobs.

In a year-to-year comparison, there were 84,300 fewer jobs across the state in March 2021. The leisure/hospitality sector experienced the biggest loss of jobs over the year. The education/health services and government sectors also had significant job losses during the last 12 months.

Nationally, unemployment dropped slightly in March. The new seasonally adjusted rate is 6%, down 0.2 of a percentage point from the previous month.

TDLWD has compiled a complete analysis of the state’s March 2021 unemployment data. That information, including labor force estimates, is available here.

Job seekers in Tennessee can find more than 220,000 open positions employers need to fill on the state’s workforce development website,

The Tennessee Virtual American Job Center (VAJC) allows Tennesseans to research different programs that can help them remove barriers to employment so they can more easily reenter Tennessee’s workforce. The VAJC allows job seekers to do this on their schedule, anytime, anywhere.

TN Department of Health WIC Program Releases WICShopper For Smartphones

Tennessee Department of Health announced today the release of the WICShopper application for smartphones. As a part of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program, the new WICShopper app is another tool to help participants establish and re-enforce healthy eating habits.

The WICShopper app helps WIC participants identify what they can purchase with their prescribed WIC benefits. The app allows WIC participants to scan the UPC barcode of store products determining whether that product is allowable as a WIC food item and on the participants WIC benefits. There are many key features such as location of Health Department clinics and WIC authorized store locations, healthy recipes, cooking and shopping tips.

‘’The WICShopper App makes it one step easier to access healthy food and nutrition education resources available through WIC,’’ said Tennessee Health Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. ‘The WICShopper App puts resources at the fingertip and is another example of how the Tennessee Department of Health is implementing innovative solutions to improve services for Tennesseans.’’

Since the statewide rollout of the TNWIC Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card in April 2019, the Tennessee WIC program continuously strives to enhance the process for WIC participants to receive benefits and purchase food products for their families. The WICShopper app represents the most recent example of this committment to Tennessee residents.

WIC participants can download the WICShopper app onto their smartphones by going to the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store and search for WICShopper. Additionally, participants can visit the Tennessee Department of Health’s website at for instructions to download the app to their smartphone. The WICShopper app is available to all and free to download.

The mission of the Tennessee Department of Health is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee. TDH has facilities in all 95 counties and provides direct services for more than one in five Tennesseans annually as well as indirect services for everyone in the state, including emergency response to health threats, licensure of health professionals, regulation of health care facilities and inspection of food service establishments. Learn more about TDH services and programs at

Commissioner to Visit Cannon Classes

Tennessee Commissioner of Education Dr. Penny Schwinn will visit Cannon County on Friday, April 16th, 2021.  She will visit Woodland Elementary School and Cannon County High School. 

Tennessee Department of Education Commissioner Dr. Peggy Schwinn

While at Woodland Elementary School Commissioner Schwinn will visit students in classrooms and will focus on the implementation of the Governor’s Civics Mini Grant Program of $15,000.00 that the school received last year.  The purpose of these grants is to fund school and district initiatives that provide programs, resources, and professional development that emphasize life-long civic learning and an opportunity for schools and districts to earn the Governor’s Civics Seal in the2020-2021 and 2021-22 school year.

At Cannon County High School, the Commissioner will also visit with students and teachers in CTE (Career and Technical Education) classes with work, programs, related content and classrooms being emphasized. 

Accompanying Commissioner Schwinn will be both a videographer and photographer from Chiefs for Change, a national network state and district leaders who work to support best work for students, schools, and districts. They are building a feature on Tennessee’s efforts, and we are delighted they’ll have a chance to highlight Cannon County Schools. Tennessee State Senator Mark Pody and Tennessee State Representative Clark Boyd will also be accompanying the Commissioner.

Director of Cannon County Schools, Mr. William F. Curtis stated, “We are very excited to have Commissioner Schwinn, some of her team, and our State Senator Mark Pody and State Representative Clark Boyd in two of our seven Cannon County Schools.  Our Cannon County Schools Family welcomes this visit and our proud to showcase the great teaching and learning taking place in regard to Civics Education and our Career-Technical Education Program at Cannon County High School.  An added bonus is having the personnel of the Chiefs for Change organization to showcase our CTE programming at Cannon County High School.  We are very appreciative to have Commissioner Schwinn take her valuable time to come to Cannon County to visit with our outstanding educators and staff that demonstrate that we are living OUR VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ through OUR MISSION – ‘To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential.’”

Market Study Explores Tennesseans’ Perspectives on COVID-19 Vaccine

The Tennessee Department of Health released results from a third party, statewide quantitative and qualitative survey of more than 1,000 adult Tennesseans exploring sentiments around the COVID-19 vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccine is voluntary in Tennessee and this survey explored perspectives associated with choosing to receive the vaccine, like hesitancy or unwillingness in an effort to identify where Tennesseans may need more information.

“The results are consistent with national trends and show that Tennesseans want more information from trusted sources as they make their decision,” said Tennessee Health Department Commissioner Lisa Piercey, MD, MBA, FAAP. “This market survey was an important step in identifying where we can be helpful in providing information about safety and effectiveness.”

Vaccine Messaging Market Survey Executive Summary Reports

Respondents, Age 18+
• All 95 Tennessee counties were represented
• 82 percent of respondents were White
• 15 percent Black/African American
• 3 percent Latino/Hispanic

Key Findings
• 53.7 percent of all respondents are willing but hesitant to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

• The main reasons associated with vaccine hesitancy are safety and unknown long-term or short-term effects.

• Physicians and medical staff were considered the most trusted voice for Tennesseans seeking information for vaccines.

The study concluded on April 8, 2021 and full survey reports can be accessed via the attachment. Following the market survey results, TDH will coordinate additional messaging to inform Tennesseans about the safety, efficacy and availability of COVID-19 vaccines.

Individuals seeking a COVID-19 vaccine appointment can visit or to find a local vaccine provider.

The mission of the Tennessee Department of Health is to protect, promote and improve the health and prosperity of people in Tennessee. TDH has facilities in all 95 counties and provides direct services for more than one in five Tennesseans annually as well as indirect services for everyone in the state, including emergency response to health threats, licensure of health professionals, regulation of health care facilities and inspection of food service establishments. Learn more about TDH services and programs at

Governor Introduces Fiscal Year 2021-2022 Budget Amendment

Governor Bill Lee announced his amendment to the proposed Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget.

The amendment includes $580 million in available funds as a result of fiscal prudence. These funds will be invested in strategic long-term projects that focus on a return to pre-pandemic priorities and deliver critical services while not growing government. The budget amendment also includes nearly $100 million for a two-week sales tax holiday on all grocery sales, purchases at restaurants, and all prepared food.

“This proposal supports Tennesseans by strategically investing in long-term initiatives that will move our state forward,” said Gov. Lee. “I’m especially proud to provide tax cuts to get money back to Tennesseans to encourage them to frequent industries that have been disproportionately and negatively impacted this year.” 

This amendment reflects the Governor’s priorities and includes record investments in broadband, economic development, safety and law enforcement, increasing reserves, and education.

“Due to Tennessee’s strong financial leadership, Tennessee has been ranked number one in fiscal stability by US World News & Report in both 2019 and 2020,” said Commissioner of Finance and Administration Butch Eley. “Our prudent and cautious approach has established Tennessee as a leader in fiscal conservatism, and we thank the General Assembly for their partnership in these efforts.”

Notable investments in the FY 21-22 budget amendment include: 

Tax Cuts

  • $25M for a two-week sales tax holiday for groceries
  • $75M for a two-week sales tax holiday for restaurants and all prepared food
  • $16M to reduce the professional privilege tax by 25 percent

K-12 Education and Mental Health

  • $250M trust fund to assist K-12 families who are facing significant mental health issues in the wake of COVID-19
  • $18.5M to transportation to students for summer learning 
  • $2M to provide an additional 4 high quality, grade aligned books and resources over the summer for the 88,000 rising first graders in Tennessee

Higher Education

  • $79M to eliminate current TCAT waitlists statewide, currently at 11,400 students
  • $25M to Tennessee Promise to permit increases in the Hope Scholarship 
  • $4M to increase Agriculture Extension Agents at University of Tennessee and Tennessee State University

Rural & Agriculture

  • $50K to support the state fair (in addition to the $250,000 recurring in originally proposed budget for total of $300K and $5M non-recurring) 
  • $3M to provide additional funding for rural projects as part of the Rural Economic Opportunity Fund (in addition to $21M in originally proposed budget for total of $24M) 


  • $500K to provide gun safety programming for children 
  • $17M to replace radios for state troopers  
  • $18M to improve the statewide disaster communications system 
  • $680K to add 4 new Homeland Security Agents

Economic Development

  • $5M to provide grants to restore and preserve historic downtowns across the state 
  • $3M to increase employment in Tennessee through the Small Business Innovation program


  • $3M recurring and an additional $10M nonrecurring to provide additional direct funding to airports across Tennessee through the Transportation Equity Fund (total $50M investment in air infrastructure)

To view the full budget amendment, click here.

No Case for Complaint

Based on consultation with the State Comptroller’s office, District Attorney General Jennings Jones says he will not pursue a complaint filed against Cannon County Schools or the county’s Highway Department. A complaint filed by county commissioners Jeannine Floyd and Ronnie Mahaffey alleged financial wrongdoing and improper appointments by the agencies. The complaint was sent to the District Attorney General’s office in Murfreesboro.

General Jones asked the Office of the Comptroller to review the complaint. Jones told WBRY that the Comptroller’s Office has confirmed that proper personnel and the funding for their positions have been accounted for. Jones also said the state’s findings show there was no wrongdoing, and that Cannon County is in compliance with all related regulations.

Smithville Man Arrested, Charged with Rape of a Child

David Nichols

An investigation by special agents with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation has resulted in the indictment and arrest of a Smithville man on charges of rape of a child.

At the request of 13th District Attorney General Bryant Dunaway, in August 2020, TBI agents began investigating a report of a sexual offense that had occurred in Smithville earlier in the month. As the result of the investigation, agents developed information that David Nichols was responsible for the sexual assault of the victim.

On March 29th, the DeKalb County Grand Jury returned indictments charging David Wayne Nichols (DOB 04/15/1975) with two counts of Rape of a Child and one count of Aggravated Sexual Battery. Today, Nichols was arrested by members of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department and TBI agents. He was booked into the DeKalb County Jail, where he is currently being held without bond.

Freezing Temperatures Can Damage Fruit and More

By Bruce Steelman, UT Extension Agent for Cannon County

Temperatures are predicted to drop below freezing during the next few days. Most fruit crops are in are either in bloom, close to bloom, or at petal fall. The critical temperatures at which damage would be expected to occur on various crops are:

Strawberries: popcorn bud (buds are swollen & beginning to open) – 28°F, full bloom – 30°F, after bloom and fruit developing – 28°F

Apples & pears: pink bud and beyond – 28°F for 30- minutes or longer would be expected to result in about 10% bud kill
25°F for 30 minutes or longer would be expected to result in about 90% bud kill

Peach and other stone fruits: full bloom – 10% kill at 27°F for 30 minutes or longer & 90% kill at 24°F
petal fall and beyond – 10% kill at 28°F and 90% kill at 25°F

Grape: bud burst and beyond – expect damage to begin at 30°F

Blueberry: bloom – 27°F (rabbiteye may experience damage at 30°F), fruit damage will start at 28°F

Blackberry: tight bud – 22°F, popcorn stage – 26°F, bloom – 30°F

Weather conditions leading up to the cold events and during them will impact the actual amount of damage received. A mild breeze may actually lessen the potential for damage as it could disrupt the cold air that often is found next to plant tissues and result in a slight increase in temperature there. 

What can be done to protect buds?

Plasticulture strawberry growers should be using row covers for both nights where low temperatures are predicted. To maximize soil heating during the day, delay putting on the row covers until late afternoon if possible. Covers should be removed the next morning once temperatures have started to rise to facilitate soil heating during the day, but replaced in late afternoon in anticipation of low temperatures that night as well.

Options for active frost control techniques in other fruit crops are limited. Some predictions call for windy conditions, making the use of wind machines and possibly irrigation not feasible. 

For homeowners, covering bushes and small trees with sheets or blankets (not plastic) can slow down the loss of heat radiated from the soil under the plants. However, windy conditions could make this difficult to do and lessen the effectiveness of a cover. If plants to be protected are close to a power source, running an electric cord and putting an incandescent light bulb in the canopy of the plant may supplement the benefit of a cover by the addition of more heat.

Irrigating over the canopy of a plant to form an ice layer is only effective if continuous water application is possible until active melting of the ice begins the following day. Building an ice layer on the plant and then shutting down the irrigation system will result in more damage than if the irrigation system was never used. Evaporative cooling will drive temperatures of the ice and whatever the ice is on below that of the surrounding air causing more damage than doing nothing.

The full impact of a frost will not be evident for a while. Growers should not make hasty judgements in regards to the amount of crop loss until adequate time has passed to adequately assess the crop status. Care, including sprays, should be maintained until a realistic evaluation of the crop status can be made. With several fruit crops, a “full crop” be set on just a small percentage of fruit buds that may be present on the plant.

Cannon County Schools Closed Monday, Pre-K/Kindergarten Registration Delayed till Tuesday

Cannon County Schools will be closed on Monday, March 29th, 2021 due to the possibility of water contamination.  Director of Cannon County Schools, William F. Curtis stated, “Woodbury and Cannon County citizens were informed Sunday that, ‘The Town of Woodbury Water System has experienced flooding at the Woodbury Water Treatment Plant resulting in the possibility of contamination to the plant’s treated water.  None of the water has left the plant.  As a precautionary measure, we are asking customers to boil water before using for consumption.  We expect this notice to be in effect for 48 hours beginning at 12:45 a.m. March 28th, 2021 and expire at 12:45 a.m. March 30th, 2021. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this problem.’ School Officials have been in touch with Woodbury Water Department Personnel regarding this issue. Five of our seven schools are on the Woodbury Water System, and the safety of our students is our top priority. On a related note due to the flooding situation in Cannon County, several County and State roads have received damage, washed out, and are debris littered. Cannon County Bus Drivers have been instructed to examine their routes for any possible hazards. If repairs are made at the Water Treatment Plant and roads have been cleared, Schools may resume normal operation on-time on Tuesday, March 30th, 2021.”

In a related matter due to the possibility of water contamination, the PreK/Kindergarten Screening scheduled for Monday, March 29th, 2021 at the Cannon County Schools Central Offices has been rescheduled to Tuesday, March 30th, 2021.  Scheduled Appointment Times will REMAIN the Same.  We apologize for any inconvenience.  If any Parent/Guardian has a question or desires more information about the PreK/Kindergarten Registration process, please contact PreK Supervisor Kathy Mullins at Phone: 629-201-4801 Extension 10126 or Email: