Many citizens are concerned about a project on State Route 1 / State Route 64, the John Bragg Highway.
The construction of a J-turn (U-turn) at the Intersection of SR 1 (US 70) and SR 64/Bradyville Road in Cannon County, Includes a closure of the current median crossover at SR-64/Bradyville Road. A raised concrete median will be installed in its place, and the existing caution lights will be removed. Grade work will be necessary to complete the new crossover, turn lanes, merge lane, and bulb out (extra roadway surface area allowing larger vehicles to make a U-turn safely). In addition, the contractor will resurface the intersection and install new signs, pavement markings, and guardrail.
Drivers traveling East on SR-64 and West on Bradyville Road will only have a right turn option at the SR-1 intersection.

Drivers traveling East on SR-1 will not have a left turn option at Bradyville Road. To access Bradyville Road, drivers will travel through the current intersection and make a U-turn at the new crossover, followed by a right turn onto Bradyville Road.

Drivers traveling West on SR-1 will not have a left turn option at SR-64, they will be required to complete a U-turn at the Barker Road intersection followed by a right turn onto SR-64 West.

According to TDOT; Lane closures are necessary as part of this project to construct these proposed improvements. Traffic will be reduced to one lane in each directions on SR 1 (US 70) through the work zone until the project has been completed. These traffic shifts will be implemented in phases beginning with a right lane closure in both directions. Additional lane closures will be required for milling and paving operations; flaggers will be present during this work assisting with the flow of traffic through the work zone. At least one lane will remain open in each direction at all times, but drivers should use caution and expect delays. Drivers are encouraged to reduce their speed and watch for construction equipment and personnel working in the area. Once completed, this project will improve safety and operational efficiency of the intersection.
Unfortunately, this intersection has experienced many crashes. In fact, the crash rate for this intersection exceeded the statewide average crash rate for similar types of intersections. A multi-disciplinary team was assembled to visit the intersection, study the crash trends, observe driver behavior, and search for ways to reduce the number of crashes and/or lessen the severity of crashes.
As part of the study, TDOT assessed whether the intersection might meet signal warrants as prescribed in the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), which the State of Tennessee has adopted as State law. There was not enough traffic to warrant a traffic signal, so TDOT explored other intersection designs. Moreover, in rural areas with high speeds such as this, traffic signals often present new problems. When the traffic signal changes from green to yellow, some motorists have difficulty determining whether to stop or to proceed through the intersection. The term for this is called “the dilemma zone.” In fact, the number of rear-end crashes increases at signalized intersections simply because of this reason. Taking these factors into consideration, the department selected the J-Turn design, which is an alternative design that other states have successfully employed to mitigate the type of situations that are encountered here. TDOT has already installed J-Turn’s at twelve intersections across the state with great success. The department is optimistic that drivers will grow to appreciate this alternative design in Cannon County.
Friday regional leadership held a meeting with some local officials, state reps and stakeholders to hear their concerns and see if there are any additional improvements or modifications that can be made to the intersection.
As a result, the current map graphics and explanation of the current plan may be subject to change depending on the outcome of that meeting. I’ll be sure to touch base and keep you updated if/when additional information becomes available.
In addition to all of this, drivers can email with any questions, comments, concerns, etc. – and their inquiry will get routed to the appropriate staff and leadership for an accurate and prompt response.
Contractor: Tinsley Asphalt Cost: $2,072,516.68
Construction Start Date: 1/10/23 Scheduled Completion Date: 8/21/23
Scope of Work: SR-1 (US 70)