Possible Threat at Cannon South Elementary School

Cannon County School Officials learned of a possible threat at Cannon South Elementary School late in the day on Friday, April 14th, 2023.  This situation was turned over immediately to local law enforcement.  With the assistance of Cannon County Sheriff’s Department, School Administrators investigated the situation and determined there was no immediate danger to our students.

Director of Cannon County Schools – William Freddy Curtis stated, “The safety of our students is imperative, and every threat is taken seriously. We appreciate the efforts of Cannon South Elementary School Principal Angela Cossey, our Local Threat Assessment Team, and local Cannon County Law Enforcement to investigate ANY threat.  Please know that we place a priority on school safety, and we investigate all reports of threats made against schools. As always, we encourage students to report anything they have seen or heard that threatens their safety in any way.  Our Team remains steadfast that our first priority is student safety.  Any person that is found to make a threat regarding ANY of our schools will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Working together we desire to have the best possible learning environment and climate at ALL of our Cannon County Schools.”

The following notice was sent to Parents/Guardians of Cannon South Elementary School on April 17th, 2023:

“April 17, 2023

On Friday, April 14 at the end of the school day we were notified of a possible threat at Cannon South Elementary School.  This situation was turned over immediately to local law enforcement.  With the assistance of Cannon County Sheriff’s Department, our school administrators investigated the situation and have determined there is no immediate danger to our students.  The safety of our students is imperative.  As always, we encourage students to report anything they have seen or heard that threatens their safety in any way.  Our team remains steadfast that our first priority is student safety.  

William F. Curtis, Director Cannon County Schools

Angela Cossey, Principal Cannon South Elementary”

Understanding Your FEMA Letter

Tennessee residents who applied for assistance from FEMA for the March 31-April 1, 2023, storms and tornadoes will receive a determination letter from FEMA. It may say you are ineligible for assistance, but that is not a denial.

It is important to read the letter carefully because it will include the amount of assistance FEMA may provide and information on the appropriate use of disaster assistance funds. The letter will also explain your application status and advise what you need to do to appeal an unfavorable decision.

Often, you need only send more information or supporting documentation for FEMA to continue reviewing your application for financial assistance. Examples of missing documentation may include:

  • Proof of insurance coverage
  • Settlement of insurance claims or denial letter from insurance provider
  • Proof of identity
  • Proof of occupancy
  • Proof of ownership
  • Proof that the damaged property was the applicant’s primary residence at the time of the disaster

If you have questions about your letter, call the Disaster Assistance Helpline at 800-621-3362. Specialists are available from 6 a.m. to midnight Central Daylight Time every day. Help is available in most languages. If you use a relay service such as Video Relay Service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA your number for that service when you apply.

​​​​​​​Appealing FEMA’s Decision

If you disagree with FEMA’s decision, or the amount of assistance provided, you can submit an appeal letter and documents supporting your claim, such as a contractor’s estimate for home repairs. You have 60 days from the date of your FEMA determination letter to send FEMA your appeal.

By law, FEMA cannot provide you a grant when any other source – insurance, crowdfunding or financial assistance from voluntary agencies – has covered expenses for the same disaster-related need. In other words, FEMA cannot pay for home repairs if you already received funds from your insurance company for the same repairs.

However, those who are underinsured may receive assistance for unmet needs after insurance claims have been settled. While FEMA may be able to help with basic needs, it does not provide assistance to cover insurance deductibles.

Appeals must be in writing. In a signed and dated letter, explain the reason(s) for the appeal. It should also include:

  • Applicant’s full name
  • Disaster number (DR-4701-TN)
  • Address of the pre-disaster primary residence
  • Applicant’s current phone number and address
  • Your nine-digit FEMA application number on all documents

If someone other than an applicant or co-applicant writes the appeal letter, that person must sign it and provide FEMA with a signed statement authorizing the individual to act on behalf of the applicant.

Appeals must be postmarked within 60 days of the date noted on your FEMA determination letter. Appeal letters and supporting documents may be uploaded to your personal FEMA online account. To set up an account, visit DisasterAssistance.gov and follow the directions.

Other ways to submit documents include:

Mail: FEMA National Processing Service Center, P.O. Box 10055, Hyattsville MD 20782-7055

Fax: 800-827-8112 Attention: FEMA

For an American Sign Language video on how to apply, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU7wzRjByhI&list=PL720Kw_OojlKOhtKG7HM_0n_kEawus6FC&index=6

If you didn’t apply for assistance but you received a letter from FEMA, call the Disaster Assistance Helpline at 800-621-3362. If you believe you’re a victim of a scam, report it immediately to your local police department. Consumers may also file a fraud complaint with the Tennessee Attorney General’s office at:  https://www.tn.gov/content/tn/attorneygeneral/working-for-tennessee/consumer/file-a-complaint.html.

Bonnie Patterson Elected New Director of Cannon County Schools

The Cannon County Board of Education selected Mrs. Bonnie Patterson as the new Director of Cannon County Schools Effective July 1st, 2023.  Mrs. Patterson was selected in response to the announcement in December 2022 that current Director of Cannon Schools – William Freddy Curtis would retire on June 30th, 2023.  The Cannon County Board of Education passed a motion in January 2023 to advertise the position until February 20th, 2023.  The Board then in March 2023 narrowed the candidates to three (3) and conducted interviews.  At the April 13th, 2023 Cannon County Board of Education Meeting, the Board voted unanimously to select Bonnie Patterson with District 4 CCBE Member Jessica Curtis nominated Patterson and District 3 CCBE Member Derrick Mullins seconded the motion, with all other CCBE Members, Wade McMackins – District 1, Rebecca Tramel – District 2, and Chairman Aletha Thomas – District 5 voting in the affirmative.  Patterson will assume office on July 1st, 2023.

Tennessee Commissioner of Education Dr. Penny Schwinn presents Mrs. Bonnie Patterson – New Cannon County Director of Schools Effective 07-01-2023 with a plaque celebrating her being named as Middle Tennessee Supervisor of the Year in 2019.

Upon her being named as the new Director of Cannon County Schools Effective on July 1st, 2023, Patterson stated, “I am humbled and honored to continue serving our Cannon County students.

Mrs. Bonnie Patterson is a veteran educator for the Cannon County School system serving for over 40 years. Ms. Patterson has been a teacher at both the elementary and secondary levels, an Assistant Principal at Cannon County High School, and a Principal at Woodbury Grammar School. She currently serves as the Coordinated School Health Coordinator, Attendance Supervisor, and School Safety Director for the school district.  Ms. Patterson was recognized as the 2019-2020 Upper Cumberland and the Middle Tennessee Supervisor of the Year by the Tennessee Department of Education, as well as the 2020-2021 Upper Cumberland Coordinated School Health Coordinator of the Year.  She serves on multiple community boards and has served as the chairperson of the Cannon County Health Council for the past 10 years.

Retiring Director of Schools William Freddy Curtis stated, “I appreciate the hard work and diligence of the Cannon County Board of Education in their Director of Schools Search and Process.  It will be my esteemed honor and privilege to work alongside Veteran Cannon County Educator Bonnie Patterson in the transition process.  Bonnie is a recognized leader in our Upper Cumberland Region, in the Middle Tennessee Grand Division, and across the State of Tennessee.  Her service to Cannon County Schools as Elementary Teacher, Coach, High School Teacher, High School Assistant Principal, Elementary Principal, and System-wide Supervisor will be invaluable in her new role. She will be an outstanding Director of Schools for Cannon County, and I could not be prouder of the Board’s selection.  The transition will be very efficient since Bonnie knows Cannon County Schools so incredibly well.  I wish her my very best and stand ready to assist her in every way possible, even after my retirement on June 30th, 2023.

Disaster Unemployment Assistance Available in Cannon and Nine Other Counties

The Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development (TDLWD) today announced the availability of Disaster Unemployment Assistance for ten Tennessee counties (including Cannon) impacted by recent tornadoes and declared in the Presidential Disaster Declaration FEMA (DR-4701).

TDLWD is accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) from individuals whose employment or self-employment was impacted by severe storms, straight-line winds, and tornadoes occurring between March 31 and April 1, 2023, in the ten approved counties.

Applications from individuals who live in, work in, or travel through these counties must be submitted by May 10, 2023.

The following counties are included in the disaster declaration and amendments:

  • Cannon
  • Hardeman
  • Hardin
  • Haywood
  • Lewis
  • Macon
  • McNairy
  • Rutherford
  • Tipton
  • Wayne

DUA, which is an unemployment insurance benefit made available after a disaster, is only available to individuals who:

  1. Have applied for and used all regular unemployment benefits from any state, or do not qualify for unemployment benefits.
  2. Worked or were self-employed or scheduled to begin work or self-employment in the disaster area.
  3. Can no longer work or perform services because of physical damage or destruction to the place of employment as a direct result of the disaster.
  4. Establish that the work or self-employment they can no longer perform was their primary source of income.
  5. Cannot perform work or self-employment because of an injury as a direct result of the disaster.
  6. Became the breadwinner or major support of a household because of the death of the head of household.

Individuals can apply for DUA at Jobs4TN.gov or by calling 1-877-813-0950 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. CDT. Individuals filing online should specify that their applications are related to the damage caused by tornadoes.

To receive DUA benefits, all required documentation must be submitted within 21 days from the day the DUA application is filed. Required documentation includes a Social Security number, a copy of the most recent federal income tax form or paycheck stubs, and documentation to support that you were working or self-employed when the disaster occurred.

Applicants must mail in or fax all required documentation within 21 days from the date of the DUA application. Documents can be mailed to 220 French Landing Nashville, TN 37243, or sent by fax to 615-532-3374.

Job seekers may visit local American Job Centers for access to job-search resources, job postings, and training programs, as well as assistance with exploring career options, résumé and application preparation, career development, and more. Job seekers can also connect with potential employers who have more than 300,000 jobs posted on Jobs4TN.gov.

Federal Assistance for Tornado Victims Approved

FEMA announced that federal disaster assistance has been made available to the state of Tennessee to supplement recovery efforts in the areas affected by severe storms, straight-line winds and tornadoes from March 31 to April 1, 2023.

The President’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in Cannon, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Rutherford, Tipton and Wayne counties. 

Assistance can include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.

Residents and business owners who sustained losses in the designated areas can begin applying for assistance by registering online at www.DisasterAssistance.gov or by calling 1-800-621- 3362. If you use a relay service, such as video relay service (VRS), captioned telephone service or others, give FEMA the number for that service.

Federal funding is also available to affected state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for debris removal and emergency protective measures (Categories A and B), including direct federal assistance under the Public Assistance program in the same counties.

Federal funding is also available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide. Andrew D. Friend has been named the Federal Coordinating Officer for federal recovery operations in the affected areas.

Additional designations may be made at a later date if warranted by the results of ongoing damage assessments.

Local Students Design Cannon Runs for Children 5k T-shirt

A run for youth will include art by youth.

“The committee asked the Cannon County Middle Schools’ teacher, Candace Lemons and Cannon County High School, Caroline Bartlett to have their students design a t-shirt for the Cannon County Child Advocacy Center fundraiser” announced Cannon County Coordinator Amanda Hammond “All art work will be highlighted during on the square during national Child Abuse Prevention Month”

The Cannon County Child Advocacy Center needs your help to make this event a huge success. Development Coordinator Katie Enzor states “Participants of the run will receive a T-shirt with registration, team up with the Center and show our community your commitment to children.”

The Cannon Runs for Children 5kwill be held at the Arts Center of Cannon County, located at 1424 John Bragg Highway in Woodbury on Saturday, April 15th.  Registration check-in will start at 6:45 a.m., speakers at 7:30 a.m., and the run will begin at 8:00 a.m. Participants are welcome to run or walk.  Registration is $25 for adults, $15 senior citizens (65+), $15 for students (ages 13-18) and $5 for students (12 and under).  Students (aged 18 and under) may apply for a scholarship to participate in the run for FREE.  Pre-register for the event by visiting the website at cannoncountycac.org.



Order T-shirt:


Readyville Recovery Update: Tuesday

We hope that these updates are helping to inform the public of the efforts that are happening in the Readyville area. We continue to answer questions via email at tbell@cannoncountyrescue.com

The American Red Cross continues to have shelter and assistance available at Cannon North School.

Briefing from Cannon County EMA Director Roy Sullivan.

Community volunteer work will stop at 2:30pm on 04/05/23. This is due to storms expected to be moving into the area Wednesday.

Donations at New Hope Church of Christ have reached maximum capacity. The Church has asked that no more donations of food/water/clothes/other supplies be made on 04/05/23. They have ample supplies at this time. This may change over time and we will update here.

Debris cleanup will continue with heavy equipment on 04/05/22. However, cleanup will be limited due to approaching weather conditions.

Readyville Street will continue to be closed while debris cleanup efforts continue.

A large controlled burn at the former Tilford’s Lumber Company site has begun today (04/04/23). The controlled burn will continue for several days. Rutherford County Fire Department will manage the fire during daylight hours. Cannon County Fire Department will manage the fire during nighttime operations.

We want to thank the community for their efforts to help Readyville recovery. Financial aid can be made in person at CapStar Bank in Woodbury. Alternatively, on-line donations can be made at the American Red Cross website – https://www.redcross.org/

Today we want to give a special thanks to La Vergne Rescue Unit and Bedford County Rescue Squad for helping with traffic incident management near the site and at New Hope Church of Christ.

Tim Bell, Unit Director

Cannon County Rescue Squad

Gov. Lee Requests Federal Disaster Relief for Cannon County

Today, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is requesting federal emergency assistance for ten counties impacted by the tornadoes and severe storms that took 15 lives and caused significant damage across the state on March 31 and April 1.

“State and local officials, first responders and volunteers continue to provide critical support to impacted Tennessee communities following significant storm damage,” said Gov. Lee. “As Tennessee rebuilds, I am now calling on our federal partners to make resources available to further our severe weather response and recovery across the state.”

Gov. Lee is requesting an emergency declaration to make federal assistance available to Cannon, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Rutherford, Tipton, and Wayne for debris removal and emergency protective measures during the tornado and severe weather response.

If awarded, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will also provide direct aid to eligible Tennessee residents in the requested counties for disaster-related costs and expenses.

“The sheer magnitude of severe weekend weather created tremendous debris, destruction, and the tragic loss of 15 Tennesseans,” TEMA Director Patrick Sheehan said. “This assistance will be critical to the recovery efforts in the hardest-hit communities in Tennessee.”

Tennessee experienced widespread storm damage including power outages, debris, and damaged property. The severe weather resulted in 15 weather-related fatalities, including nine in McNairy County.

The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency has made recovery resources available for impacted Tennesseans to find key resources and support. The State Emergency Operations Center in Nashville remains activated in support of the ongoing tornado and severe weather response.

Class Resumes Wednesday in Cannon

Cannon County Schools will REOPEN on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. However, Cannon North Elementary School, 3714 Murfreesboro Road, Readyville, TN Students will have Virtual Instruction on Wednesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 6th, 2023 due to Cannon North Elementary being utilized for tornado-relief efforts in Readyville, Tennessee.

Director of Cannon County Schools – William Freddy Curtis stated, “Cannon County Schools will reopen on Wednesday, April 5th. However, Cannon North Elementary Students will have virtual Instruction on Wednesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 6th due to Cannon North Elementary School being utilized for tornado-relief efforts in Readyville, Tennessee.  Officials have asked that Cannon North Elementary School continue to be used as an American Red Cross Resource Logistical Center and a possible Shelter due to forecasted severe weather Wednesday Night through Thursday.

Cannon North Elementary School Teachers will contact Students regarding expectations for virtual instruction. Our original plan was to provide in-person instruction for Cannon North Elementary School Students, but due to safety concerns, virtual instruction will now be provided. Cannon North Elementary School students will have meals available to them on Wednesday and Thursday – 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Breakfast will be available for pickup, and 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lunch will be available for pickup at Cannon North Elementary School.”

Actions Announced on School Safety

Today, one week after the tragic shooting at The Covenant School, Governor Bill Lee and legislative leadership announced additional actions to strengthen safety at public and private schools across Tennessee. These measures include enhanced legislation and funding to place an armed security guard at every Tennessee public school, boost physical school security at public and private schools, and provide additional mental health resources for Tennesseans. 

“There is nothing more important than our students safely returning home each day,” said Gov. Lee. “As Tennessee grieves the tragic loss of six precious lives in the Covenant shooting, we are taking additional actions to significantly boost safety measures at every school with highly-trained guards, physical security enhancements and mental health resources.

At the beginning of the 2023 legislative session, Gov. Lee introduced a bill to strengthen physical security at every public school and enhance accountability in school safety protocol. Additionally, the Governor’s initial budget proposal included $30 million for 122 Homeland Security agents to serve students at both public and private schools in every Tennessee county. These school safety measures were highlighted in the Governor’s 2023 State of the State address in February. 

The Governor’s amended legislation and budget proposal will include the following measures:

Enhanced School Safety Legislation (HB322/SB274)

  • Enacts a multi-tiered accountability plan to ensure exterior school doors are locked while students are present, with opportunities for corrective action. State and local law enforcement will be authorized to check for unlocked doors
  • Requires that private security guards are held to a high standard and receive active shooter training prior to being posted at Tennessee schools
  • Requires every school district to establish threat assessment teams, a nationally recognized best practice to ensure students are connected to support services and behavioral health professionals, when appropriate
  • Requires every public and private school to develop annual safety plans, which must include a newly required incident command drill for school leaders and law enforcement to prepare for what to expect in various emergencies 

FY23-24 Budget Proposal:

  • $30 million to expand a statewide homeland security network with 122 agents serving students at both public and private schools
  • $140 million to establish a School Resource Officer (SRO) grant fund to place a trained, armed security guard at every public school
  • $20 million for public school security upgrades
  • $7 million for private school security upgrades
  • $8 million for additional school-based behavioral health liaisons across the state

Since 2019, Gov. Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly have prioritized investments in school safety every year. In June 2021, the Governor signed Executive Order 97 and launched a statewide effort to enhance school safety by boosting collaboration among parents, schools and local law enforcement across the state. A complete list of Gov. Lee’s school safety actions to date can be found here