Cannon County School Officials learned of a possible threat at Cannon South Elementary School late in the day on Friday, April 14th, 2023. This situation was turned over immediately to local law enforcement. With the assistance of Cannon County Sheriff’s Department, School Administrators investigated the situation and determined there was no immediate danger to our students.
Director of Cannon County Schools – William Freddy Curtis stated, “The safety of our students is imperative, and every threat is taken seriously. We appreciate the efforts of Cannon South Elementary School Principal Angela Cossey, our Local Threat Assessment Team, and local Cannon County Law Enforcement to investigate ANY threat. Please know that we place a priority on school safety, and we investigate all reports of threats made against schools. As always, we encourage students to report anything they have seen or heard that threatens their safety in any way. Our Team remains steadfast that our first priority is student safety. Any person that is found to make a threat regarding ANY of our schools will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Working together we desire to have the best possible learning environment and climate at ALL of our Cannon County Schools.”
The following notice was sent to Parents/Guardians of Cannon South Elementary School on April 17th, 2023:
“April 17, 2023
On Friday, April 14 at the end of the school day we were notified of a possible threat at Cannon South Elementary School. This situation was turned over immediately to local law enforcement. With the assistance of Cannon County Sheriff’s Department, our school administrators investigated the situation and have determined there is no immediate danger to our students. The safety of our students is imperative. As always, we encourage students to report anything they have seen or heard that threatens their safety in any way. Our team remains steadfast that our first priority is student safety.
William F. Curtis, Director Cannon County Schools
Angela Cossey, Principal Cannon South Elementary”