Readyville Recovery Update: Tuesday

We hope that these updates are helping to inform the public of the efforts that are happening in the Readyville area. We continue to answer questions via email at

The American Red Cross continues to have shelter and assistance available at Cannon North School.

Briefing from Cannon County EMA Director Roy Sullivan.

Community volunteer work will stop at 2:30pm on 04/05/23. This is due to storms expected to be moving into the area Wednesday.

Donations at New Hope Church of Christ have reached maximum capacity. The Church has asked that no more donations of food/water/clothes/other supplies be made on 04/05/23. They have ample supplies at this time. This may change over time and we will update here.

Debris cleanup will continue with heavy equipment on 04/05/22. However, cleanup will be limited due to approaching weather conditions.

Readyville Street will continue to be closed while debris cleanup efforts continue.

A large controlled burn at the former Tilford’s Lumber Company site has begun today (04/04/23). The controlled burn will continue for several days. Rutherford County Fire Department will manage the fire during daylight hours. Cannon County Fire Department will manage the fire during nighttime operations.

We want to thank the community for their efforts to help Readyville recovery. Financial aid can be made in person at CapStar Bank in Woodbury. Alternatively, on-line donations can be made at the American Red Cross website –

Today we want to give a special thanks to La Vergne Rescue Unit and Bedford County Rescue Squad for helping with traffic incident management near the site and at New Hope Church of Christ.

Tim Bell, Unit Director

Cannon County Rescue Squad

Gov. Lee Requests Federal Disaster Relief for Cannon County

Today, Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee is requesting federal emergency assistance for ten counties impacted by the tornadoes and severe storms that took 15 lives and caused significant damage across the state on March 31 and April 1.

“State and local officials, first responders and volunteers continue to provide critical support to impacted Tennessee communities following significant storm damage,” said Gov. Lee. “As Tennessee rebuilds, I am now calling on our federal partners to make resources available to further our severe weather response and recovery across the state.”

Gov. Lee is requesting an emergency declaration to make federal assistance available to Cannon, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Lewis, Macon, McNairy, Rutherford, Tipton, and Wayne for debris removal and emergency protective measures during the tornado and severe weather response.

If awarded, the Federal Emergency Management Agency will also provide direct aid to eligible Tennessee residents in the requested counties for disaster-related costs and expenses.

“The sheer magnitude of severe weekend weather created tremendous debris, destruction, and the tragic loss of 15 Tennesseans,” TEMA Director Patrick Sheehan said. “This assistance will be critical to the recovery efforts in the hardest-hit communities in Tennessee.”

Tennessee experienced widespread storm damage including power outages, debris, and damaged property. The severe weather resulted in 15 weather-related fatalities, including nine in McNairy County.

The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency has made recovery resources available for impacted Tennesseans to find key resources and support. The State Emergency Operations Center in Nashville remains activated in support of the ongoing tornado and severe weather response.

Class Resumes Wednesday in Cannon

Cannon County Schools will REOPEN on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. However, Cannon North Elementary School, 3714 Murfreesboro Road, Readyville, TN Students will have Virtual Instruction on Wednesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 6th, 2023 due to Cannon North Elementary being utilized for tornado-relief efforts in Readyville, Tennessee.

Director of Cannon County Schools – William Freddy Curtis stated, “Cannon County Schools will reopen on Wednesday, April 5th. However, Cannon North Elementary Students will have virtual Instruction on Wednesday, April 5th and Thursday, April 6th due to Cannon North Elementary School being utilized for tornado-relief efforts in Readyville, Tennessee.  Officials have asked that Cannon North Elementary School continue to be used as an American Red Cross Resource Logistical Center and a possible Shelter due to forecasted severe weather Wednesday Night through Thursday.

Cannon North Elementary School Teachers will contact Students regarding expectations for virtual instruction. Our original plan was to provide in-person instruction for Cannon North Elementary School Students, but due to safety concerns, virtual instruction will now be provided. Cannon North Elementary School students will have meals available to them on Wednesday and Thursday – 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Breakfast will be available for pickup, and 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM Lunch will be available for pickup at Cannon North Elementary School.”

Actions Announced on School Safety

Today, one week after the tragic shooting at The Covenant School, Governor Bill Lee and legislative leadership announced additional actions to strengthen safety at public and private schools across Tennessee. These measures include enhanced legislation and funding to place an armed security guard at every Tennessee public school, boost physical school security at public and private schools, and provide additional mental health resources for Tennesseans. 

“There is nothing more important than our students safely returning home each day,” said Gov. Lee. “As Tennessee grieves the tragic loss of six precious lives in the Covenant shooting, we are taking additional actions to significantly boost safety measures at every school with highly-trained guards, physical security enhancements and mental health resources.

At the beginning of the 2023 legislative session, Gov. Lee introduced a bill to strengthen physical security at every public school and enhance accountability in school safety protocol. Additionally, the Governor’s initial budget proposal included $30 million for 122 Homeland Security agents to serve students at both public and private schools in every Tennessee county. These school safety measures were highlighted in the Governor’s 2023 State of the State address in February. 

The Governor’s amended legislation and budget proposal will include the following measures:

Enhanced School Safety Legislation (HB322/SB274)

  • Enacts a multi-tiered accountability plan to ensure exterior school doors are locked while students are present, with opportunities for corrective action. State and local law enforcement will be authorized to check for unlocked doors
  • Requires that private security guards are held to a high standard and receive active shooter training prior to being posted at Tennessee schools
  • Requires every school district to establish threat assessment teams, a nationally recognized best practice to ensure students are connected to support services and behavioral health professionals, when appropriate
  • Requires every public and private school to develop annual safety plans, which must include a newly required incident command drill for school leaders and law enforcement to prepare for what to expect in various emergencies 

FY23-24 Budget Proposal:

  • $30 million to expand a statewide homeland security network with 122 agents serving students at both public and private schools
  • $140 million to establish a School Resource Officer (SRO) grant fund to place a trained, armed security guard at every public school
  • $20 million for public school security upgrades
  • $7 million for private school security upgrades
  • $8 million for additional school-based behavioral health liaisons across the state

Since 2019, Gov. Lee and the Tennessee General Assembly have prioritized investments in school safety every year. In June 2021, the Governor signed Executive Order 97 and launched a statewide effort to enhance school safety by boosting collaboration among parents, schools and local law enforcement across the state. A complete list of Gov. Lee’s school safety actions to date can be found here

Cannon Schools Closed Tuesday, April 4th

All Cannon County Schools will be CLOSED on Tuesday, April 4th due to clean-up efforts in the Readyville, Tennessee tornado-damaged areas.

Director of Cannon County Schools, William Freddy Curtis stated, “All Cannon County Schools will be closed on Tuesday, April 4th due to clean-up efforts in the Readyville, tornado-damaged areas.  Roads are continued to be closed in and around the Readyville area and bus routes have also been affected.  Cannon North Elementary School is continuing to be used as a Red Cross Resource and Logistical Center through tomorrow.  Cannon County Middle School and Cannon County High School Students have also been impacted.  Additionally, Cannon County Schools employees have been assisting in cleanup efforts and logistical support.  Our desire is to help our local community in every way possible.  Cannon North Elementary School Personnel have been assisting cleanup and logistical support at their school since early Saturday Morning.  Cannon County Schools supports all efforts to ‘Support Readyville’ during this time of devastation for numerous students and families.

A team from Cannon County Schools are currently assessing the area for immediate student needs.  We will also be using this time with Principals and Supervisors to be reassessing Safety Plans and Procedures in use in Cannon County Schools. The safety of our students and personnel is always our utmost priority. This will be our 8th Inclement Weather Day utilized in the 2022-2023 School Year.

Our plan is that all Cannon County Schools will have normal operations on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023.”

Readyville Recovery: New Week Begins

The National Weather Service Damage Assessment team has officially classified the severe weather that came through the Readyville area early Saturday morning as an EF-2 tornado with 130 mph winds.

All recovery operations for Sunday, April 2nd have been suspended. Cannon and Rutherford Sheriff’s Department are providing security tonight. Officials appreciate all the help from regional first responders and community volunteers.

STATUS OF OPERATIONS for Monday April 3rd

Per Cannon County Emergency Management Agency and Tennessee Emergency Management Agency. All work in the Readyville disaster zone on Monday will involve heavy equipment only. No volunteers will be allowed in the recovery area. Debris removal specialists from local, state, and private agencies will be operating many pieces of heavy equipment. Readyville street is expected to be closed for the next 4 days while debris removal takes place.


Volunteers are needed at Cannon North School (West Side). The school will need to be returned to operational status. Volunteers are needed to help with the process starting at 12:00pm. Volunteers needed to help provide meals for workers. All volunteers will need to register at New Hope Church of Christ.


No donated items will be received at Cannon North on 04/03/23, other than food items. PODS will be available in the coming days to store donated items and provide temporary storage for local impacted residents.

Please feel free to reach out to Disaster Assistance Coordinator Brent Brandon at 615-691-0239 or email if you wish to help.

Tim Bell, Unit Director, Cannon County Rescue Squad

Cannon Schools Closed Monday

ALL Cannon County Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, April 3rd, 2023 due to clean-up efforts in the Readyville, Tennessee tornado-damaged areas.

Director of Cannon County Schools – Mr. William Freddy Curtis stated, “ALL Cannon County Schools will be CLOSED on Monday, April 3rd, 2023 due to clean-up efforts in the Readyville, Tennessee tornado-damaged areas.  Various roads are CLOSED in and around the Readyville area and bus routes have also been affected.  Cannon North Elementary School is continuing to be used as a Red Cross Resource and Logistical Center through tomorrow, and Cannon County Middle School and Cannon County High School Students have also been impacted.  Additionally, Cannon County Schools will be allowing employees to assist tomorrow in cleanup efforts and logistical support.  Our desire is to help our local community in every way possible.  Cannon North Elementary School Personnel have been assisting cleanup and logistical support at their school since early Saturday Morning.  Cannon County Schools supports all efforts to ‘Support Readyville’ during this time of devastation for numerous students. The safety of our students and personnel is always our utmost priority. This will be our 7th Inclement Weather Day utilized in the 2022-2023 School Year.”

Storms Hit Readyville

Photo by Douglas Jennings

Storms crossed the Volunteer State overnight, one of the dozens of areas hit was in Cannon County in the Readyville community.

Volunteer First Responders continue to work in the Readyville Area assisting utility crews with road closures. Cannon County Rescue Squad is asking that people limit their travel to the area for the next few hours as much utility work is being completed.

The Squad appreciates all the offers for food, equipment, and supplies. Currently, they do not have a need for additional heavy equipment or other resources at this time. A temporary shelter and disaster assistance is being set up at Cannon North Elementary school (West Side). Please contact Brent Brandon with the American Red Cross 615-691-0239 to inquire about supplies needed for disaster relief.

Food will be available for those displaced and EMS workers at the school at noon.

Photo by Douglas Jennings

The Rutherford County Sheriff’s Department reported the following:

Sgt. Jonathan McGee reported there were no storm-related deaths at this time. Deputies responded to Readyville where they observed numerous structures were damaged and/or collapsed about 2 a.m. Saturday.

Firefighters, paramedics and RCSO Deputies walked through the area of Readyville Street to make contact and check the welfare of residents.

One person was located in a collapsed structure. After they were removed they were transported to Ascension Rutherford St. Thomas Hospital for medical treatment. Other residents were treated on site for minor injuries.

Due to debris, downed trees, and downed power lines, Old Woodbury Road, Bivens Hill Road, Readyville Street and Lassiter Barker Road were closed to all non -essential traffic.

Day shift Sgt. Horne was notified and additional deputies were requested to assist. Patrol Sgt. Trey Nunley and Patrol Sgt. Jamie Holloway and Detective Sgt. Richard Brinkley responded to assist. There were 10 RCSO Deputies/Supervisors who came in to assist with the incident.

Tennessee Transportation Act Approved

The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) announced the legislative passage of the Lee
administration’s Transportation Modernization Act, a bill that will create a new strategy and invest $3.3 billion to accommodate Tennessee’s record growth, address traffic congestion and meet transportation needs across rural and urban communities. This historic legislation has received support from dozens of organizations across Tennessee and will now head to the Governor’s desk to be signed into law. 

The legislation will give TDOT the resources needed to solve the state’s current and future mobility challenges, including seeking the use of public-private partnerships to preserve state funds for rural infrastructure priorities, exploring Choice Lanes to decrease congestion and increase economic impact statewide, and expanding the alternative delivery model to save taxpayer dollars and deliver road projects more efficiently.

“Tennessee’s strategic transportation plan will prepare TDOT with the resources needed to build and maintain roads across our rural and urban communities,” said TDOT Commissioner Butch Eley. “We appreciate the support of the legislature and key partners as we pave the way for Tennessee’s continued prosperity.”

The plan received bi-partisan legislative support and was sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson (R – Franklin), Senate Transportation & Safety Chair Becky Massey (R – Knoxville), House Majority Leader William Lamberth (R – Portland), and House Transportation Chair Dan Howell (R – Cleveland).

MTE Urges Members to Stay Aware and Take Storm Precautions

With severe weather predicted for Middle Tennessee between 10 p.m. and 3 a.m. tonight, Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) wants to remind its members to stay weather aware and be prepared.

MTE’s Systems Control monitors the grid for outages 24/7, and crews are currently on standby to be dispatched if needed. To stay safe during potentially severe weather, MTE recommends taking the following precautions:

Have multiple ways to receive weather alerts and invest in a battery-operated weather radio.
Keep a flashlight nearby.
Charge phones and other devices before severe weather arrives.
Secure patio furniture, grills, umbrellas and trampolines in the event of strong winds.
Avoid any downed power lines and report them to MTE.
In the event of an outage, use caution with space heaters and backup generators.
Space heaters should be kept away from flammable materials such as furniture or curtains and only be used in well-ventilated areas.
Generators should be outside the home and can create a backfeed hazard for MTE line crews if not properly connected to the grid.
Prepare a storm survival kit with items like canned food, bottled water, portable phone chargers, extra batteries and first aid supplies.

If there are storm-related outages, members can report them through the myMTE app or web portal, by calling the MTE automated outage line at 877-777-9111 or calling Member Services at 877-777-9020.