TBI Investigates Shooting In County

TBI Investigates ShootingTennessee Bureau of Investigation agents are investigating the death of Dr. Chester J. Falterman at a gun range in Cannon County July 4th.

Dr. Falterman, a prominent cardiologist at St. Thomas Heart in Murfreesboro, was apparently the victim of gunfire. Circumstances of the shooting have not yet been released. But investigators said the incident does not involve foul play.

An employee at the OK Corral Shooting Range referred all questions to the sheriff’s department. The sheriff’s department referred calls to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.

Gordon Ferguson, CEO of Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital released the following statement:
“The community of Saint Thomas Health is deeply saddened to learn of the recent death of Dr. Chester J. Falterman, Cardiologist with Saint Thomas Heart. Dr. Falterman came to the Rutherford County Community in December of 2008, to help his colleague, Dr. Britt Mioton, build the Saint Thomas Heart location in Murfreesboro. Dr. Falterman was a hard-working and compassionate physician who will be greatly missed, and we are grateful for the compassionate care he provided our patients for many years. Our sincerest condolences are with his family, friends, patients, and fellow associates during this time.”

Budgets, Public Hearings and Waste Water Fill Agenda for Board of Alderman

Budgets, Public Hearings and Waste Water Fill Agenda for Board of AldermanAccepting the tax rate, approving budget amendments and starting the process to replace the city’s waste water treatment plant filled the agenda of the Woodbury Mayor and Board of Alderman met Tuesday night for their regular July meeting.

A public hearing concerning an ordinance adopting the annual budget and property tax rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019. Following the hearing, the board accepted the ordinance on the second and final reading.

The board adopted the certified tax rate for the town of Woodbury, Tennessee for the year of 2018, using the calculation of property in the corporate limits as fixed by the Cannon County Assessor of Property for the year. (The certified tax rate is $0.8862)

A second public hearing concerning the Town of Woodbury’s intent to file an application for funding with USDA Rural Development, Rural Utilities Service. The purpose is to construct a new Waste Water Treatment Plant to replace the existing plant. This will be a loan/grant combination. The ratio of loan to grant will not be determined until later in the process. Cost of the new facility should run at 8-million dollars.

The group also approved an ordinance on first reading, to amend the zoning map of the Town of Woodbury, to rezone certain parcels along West Main Street from the C-3 Commercial zoning district to the C-2 Commercial zoning district (Also known as Westgate Shopping Center Sections 1 and 2)

Pody and Boyd Announce Arts Grants for Cannon

State Senator Mark Pody (R-Lebanon) and Representative Clark Boyd (R-Lebanon) have announced two grants have been awarded to Cannon County organizations by the Tennessee Arts Commission. The Arts Center of Cannon County will receive $21,430, while White Oak Tennessee will receive $5,220. The grants were awarded after being reviewed by citizen advisory panels made up of Tennesseans with expertise in appropriate disciplines and a final review by the full commission.”The arts do have a positive impact on our community and the effects certainly trickle down: the creative thinking skills of students are improved, our local culture is communicated through various mediums, and the community’s beauty is enhanced for our residents and visitors,” said Sen. Pody.
“These investments made by the Tennessee Arts Commission in support of our local arts programs and facilities are great news for our community,” said Representative Boyd. “The funds will enhance the quality of life for the residents who live in our region; they will also create new and exciting opportunities that will benefit our future leaders and help them grow to value the arts.”
“Tennessee is fortunate to have elected leaders who understand the positive impact the arts and culture have on Tennesseans and their communities,” said Anne B. Pope, Executive Director of the Tennessee Arts Commission.  “The arts are a vital tool for attraction and retention of business, and help build stronger communities by enhancing the distinctive character of Tennessee places.”
According to Pope, the Commission will award approximately 1000 grants during the 2019 fiscal year, totaling more than $5.5 million dollars.  Grant categories include Arts Access, Arts Education, Arts Project Support, Partnership Support, Individual Artist Fellowships, Major Cultural Institutions, Cultural Education Partnership and Rural Arts Partnership.

Water Outage Reported!

The Woodbury Water Department has a broken water line on Lee Avenue in the Beaverdam Subdivision. Our crew is working diligently to repair the line, however the inclement weather conditions have slowed
the progress of the repair.  We will continue to work until service is restored to our customers.  We apologize
for the inconvenience.
Shane Gannon
Director of Public Works

TBI Investigates Shooting In County

Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agents are investigating the death of Dr. Chester J. Falterman at a gun range in Cannon County July 4th.Dr. Falterman, a prominent cardiologist at St. Thomas Heart in Murfreesboro, was apparently the victim of gunfire. 
Circumstances of the shooting have not yet been released. But investigators said the incident does not involve foul play. 
An employee at the OK Corral Shooting Range referred all questions to the sheriff’s department. The sheriff’s department referred calls to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.
Gordon Ferguson, CEO of Saint Thomas Rutherford Hospital released the following statement: 
“The community of Saint Thomas Health is deeply saddened to learn of the recent death of Dr. Chester J. Falterman, Cardiologist with Saint Thomas Heart.  Dr. Falterman came to the Rutherford County Community in December of 2008, to help his colleague, Dr. Britt Mioton, build the Saint Thomas Heart location in Murfreesboro. Dr. Falterman was a hard-working and compassionate physician who will be greatly missed, and we are grateful for the compassionate care he provided our patients for many years.
Our sincerest condolences are with his family, friends, patients, and fellow associates during this time.” 

Budgets, Public Hearings and Waste Water Fill Agenda for Board of Alderman

Accepting the tax rate, approving budget amendments and starting the process to replace the city’s waste water treatment plant filled the agenda of the Woodbury Mayor and Board of Alderman met Tuesday night for their regular July meeting. 
A public hearing concerning an ordinance adopting the annual budget and property tax rate for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019.   Following the hearing, the board accepted the ordinance on the second and final reading.
The board adopted the certified tax rate for the town of Woodbury, Tennessee for the year of 2018, using the calculation of property in the corporate limits as fixed by the Cannon County Assessor of Property for the year.  (The certified tax rate is $0.8862)
A second public hearing concerning the Town of Woodbury’s intent to file an application for funding with USDA Rural Development, Rural Utilities Service. The purpose is to construct a new Waste Water Treatment Plant to replace the existing plant.  This will be a loan/grant combination.  The ratio of loan to grant will not be determined until later in the process.  Cost of the new facility should run at 8-million dollars.
The group also approved an ordinance on first reading, to amend the zoning map of the Town of Woodbury, to rezone certain parcels along West Main Street from the   C-3 Commercial zoning district to the C-2 Commercial zoning district (Also known as Westgate Shopping Center Sections 1 and 2)

Shooting Death Under Investigation

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is the lead agency in a death that occurred at the street address of the O. K. Shooting Range in Cannon County. However, a TBI spokesman says preliminary information indicates the incident does not involve foul play. TBI was asked to head up the investigation by 16th District Attorney General Jennings Jones.

Father Arrested In Connection with 11 Month Old’s Injuries

A Cannon County father was arrested after his 11-month-old baby was rushed to the hospital over the weekend with head trauma. Investigators say Mark McClain Jr. was arrested in connection to the injuries. The baby, now in the intensive care unit at Vanderbilt Medical Center, suffered broken bones and brain swelling. McClain is under investigation by the Department of Children’s Services.
According to Cannon County Sheriff Darrell Young, the case has been turned over to the District Attorney’s office.

Shooting Death Under Investigation

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is the lead agency in a death that occurred at the street address of the O. K. Shooting Range in Cannon County. However, a TBI spokesman says preliminary information indicates the incident does not involve foul play. TBI was asked to head up the investigation by 16th District Attorney General Jennings Jones. 

Father Arrested In Connection with 11 Month Old’s Injuries

A Cannon County father was arrested after his 11-month-old baby was rushed to the hospital over the weekend with head trauma. Investigators say Mark McClain Jr. was arrested in connection to the injuries.
The baby, now in the intensive care unit at Vanderbilt Medical Center, suffered broken bones and brain swelling. McClain is under investigation by the Department of Children’s Services.
According to Cannon County Sheriff Darrell Young, the case has been turned over to the District Attorney’s office.