An audit conducted by the Tennessee Department of Transportation over how grant money from the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety was being used might cost Woodbury Police Chief Kevin Mooneyham his job. TDOT uncovered something concerning how the money was spent. The money from the grant was to go toward helping DUI enforcement. The investigation has spread to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation and is expected to take two to three weeks to complete. In the meantime Mooneyham has been placed on administrative leave without pay. Lowell Womack is the acting police chief in Mooneyham’s absence.
News 2015
General Sessions Court Smallest Docket In Years Today
Probably one of the most shortest court dockets ever for a General Sessions Court day in Cannon County has 7 people appearing before Judge Susan Melton to answer to a total of 19 charges. Those with multiple charges or DUI offenses include Raymond Alexander Haines-DUI 2nd Offense, Public Intoxication, Aggravated Criminal Trespass, Aggravated Burglary, and Vandalism up to $500
Troy Eugene Martin-DUI 1st offense 2 counts, implied consent, Financial Responsibility
Ernest Brian Osment-DUI 1st Offense
Pattye A. Scott-DUI by allowance
Rickey Scott-DUI 1st Offense, Simple Possession, Unlawful Possession Of A Weapon, Possession of Handgun While Under Influence, Simple Possession and attempted simple possession casual exchange
Joshua Paul Smith Aggravated Assault Two counts
PARQ Meeting Tonight
PARQ Preserve Our Area’s Rural Qualities has rescheduled the quarterly meeting for tonight at 7:00. The meeting place will be 1860 Readyville Street in Readyville. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be served. The election of officers and open positions on the board of directors will be at this meeting. All full members who are up to date on their dues are eligible to vote. If you are interested in attending, please call to confirm time, place and possible weather challenges. Please call either 563-2200 or 563-8088. For more information about PARQ please visit the website
Breakfast With The Boy Scouts And Representative Mark Pody
The group attempting to start a Boy Scouts of America Troop here in Cannon County is hosting a breakfast on Saturday April 25th starting at 8:00 AM at the Cannon County Arts Center 1424 John Bragg Hwy. Everyone is welcome to attend. State Representative Mark Pody will be the featured speaker at the meeting. This will be a casual get together to bring everyone up to date on the program in Cannon County and how the program can expand within the community. Please RSVP to the local Boy Scouts professional Mary Jared at or call 615-498-3630
Election Commission Meeting Tonight Expected To Draw A Big Crowd
Might be some possible controversy tonight when the Cannon County Election Commission meets for their regular monthly meeting. It’s time again for the Election commission to appoint the administrator of elections for the years 2015-2017. The current administrator of Elections is Dorinda Mankin. Items on the agenda include opening the floor for nominations for the 2015-2017 Election Commission Chairman. Open The Floor for nominations for the 2015-2017 Election Commission Secretary. and Also to open the floor for nominations for the 2015-2017 Administrator of Elections. Because this particular meeting should draw a big crowd the meeting will take place at The Cannon County Courthouse tonight at 5:30 instead of the Election Office.
Coffee County Woman Charged With TennCare Fraud
A Coffee County woman is charged with TennCare fraud in connection with selling prescription drugs which were paid for by the state’s healthcare insurance program.The Office of Inspector General (OIG) today announced the arrest of Kimberly Varden, 59, of Tullahoma, after a joint investigation with the Tullahoma Police Department.
Varden is charged with TennCare fraud in connection with obtaining a prescription for the painkiller Hydrocodone, using TennCare as payment, then selling a portion of the pills.
“We are working with municipal and county police across the state, as they zero in on local narcotics trafficking and where we can establish that TennCare was involved,” Inspector General Manny Tyndall said. “Local police, providers, and citizens are committed to eliminating prescription drug abuse, especially when it involves public dollars.”
TennCare fraud is a Class E felony, carrying a sentence of up to two years in prison. District Attorney General Craig Northcott is prosecuting.
The OIG, which is separate from TennCare, began full operation in February 2005 and has investigated cases leading to over $3 million being repaid to TennCare, with a total estimated cost avoidance of over $163.6 million for TennCare, according to latest figures. To date, 2,324 people have been charged with TennCare fraud.
Through the OIG Cash for Tips Program established by the Legislature, Tennesseans can get cash rewards for TennCare fraud tips that lead to convictions. Anyone can report suspected TennCare fraud by calling 1-800-433-3982 toll-free from anywhere in Tennessee, or log on to and follow the prompts that read “Report TennCare Fraud.”
Auburntown Emergency Vehicle Stolen Thursday
An Auburntown Emergency Response Vehicle turned up missing early Thursday morning and now officials have reported the vehicle stolen. According to News Channel 4 the vehicle was noticed missing Thursday while a Cannon County Deputy was making his rounds. Officials believe someone in the Auburntown community knows what happened to the vehicle. The vehicle is a red 2000 Chevy Blazer LS. It has a black leather interior, tinted windows and the words “Auburntown BSL” on the windshield. Anyone with information about the stolen vehicle is asked to call the sheriff’s department at 563-4322.
Cannon County Republican Executive Committee Issues Statement In Response To A Recent Article
The Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee would like to issue a statement concerning last week’s article entitled “Confusion Over Who Makes Decision Of Administrator of Elections” submitted by Jim Gibbs.The Executive Committee was unaware of any so-called confusion, telephone calls or discussion concerning the Cannon County Election Commission and the possible change in its Administration as was reported. The Cannon County Republican Party has never had any authority to monitor the Cannon County Election Office and will not make it a policy to do so as was stated in the article. There has never been a question of any unfair elections held in Cannon County that we are aware of and we will continue to trust the bi-partisan Election Commission Board that is appointed by the State of Tennessee Election Commission to do the job they are entrusted to do. We would also like to point out that Secretary of State Tre Hargett does not appoint members of the Tennessee Election Commission as reported by Mr. Gibbs.
Mr. Gibbs recently conducted an interview on Channel Four news and expressed his opposition against HB0934 submitted by State Representative Judd Matheny. Mr. Gibbs does not represent the Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee in his beliefs or opinions concerning this bill. The Executive Committee would like to state that we are neutral on this bill and shall remain so despite Mr. Gibbs opposition of the bill.
It has been and shall remain the belief of the Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee that every individual has the right to free speech and to work for a cause that they believe in. However, please note that any future editorials, articles or views made by Jim Gibbs will be his opinion and his opinion alone and they do not represent the views or policies of the Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee.
Thank You,
John Wilkinson Secretary
Nathan Nichols Treasurer
Dana Davenport Vice-Treasurer
Corey Davenport Past Chairman
Anna Pittman Auxiliary Member
Cannon County Republican Party Executive Committee
The statement was issued in response to the following article submitted by Cannon County Republican Party Chairman Jim Gibbs which appeared in the Cannon Courier newspaper this past Tuesday
Republican Party Chairman Jim Gibbs Clarifies Election Commission Process
Recently talk has been going around Cannon County regarding a change in administration at the Cannon County Election Commission. On Tuesday, March 31st, an article was posted on a local online news source stating that nominations for the position of Cannon County Administrator of Elections for the years 2015-2017 will be accepted from the floor at the April 13th meeting of the Election Commission. The source of the article which appears t written as an agenda is not identified. Currently, Dorinda Mankin is the Administrator of Elections.
Based upon the number of phone calls to the Republican Party, many people believe that the change in administration is the responsibility of the Cannon County Republican Party. That is simply not the case.
The confusion may come from the fact that the former Chairman of the Cannon County Republican Party who was Corey Davenport is also the current Chairman of the Cannon County Election Commission. Other members of the five member board are: Sue Patrick who serves as Secretary, Jackie Gannon, both representing the Democrat Party and Matt Studd and Mike Grosch who along with Corey Davenport represents the Republican Party.
Corey Davenport is no longer in charge of the Cannon County Republican Party and the term of every Cannon County Election Commissioner expires this year. Some members could be reappointed.
The Cannon County Election Commissioners hold office for two years. As mentioned, the current terms of all members end this year and all can be replaced. The State Election Commission is responsible for appointing five county election commissioners for every county in the state and monitoring the activities and performance of the county election commissions. The Cannon County Republican delegation in the Tennessee General Assembly will recommend three of the applicants to serve on the Election Commission and the local Democrat Party will recommend two. Usually, the Tennessee Election Commission follows the recommendation of the minority party chairperson and that of the majority party General Assembly members.
The Tennessee Election Commission is part of the state’s Division of Elections, which, in turn, is part of the Department of State. The commission is responsible for appointing local election commissioners in all of Tennessee’s 95 counties, then monitoring the activities and performance of those individual county election commissions. Members to the Tennessee Election Commission are appointed by Secretary of State Tre Hargett. The state election commissioners are:
Donna Barrett of Murfreesboro, a member since March 2014
Kent D. Younce of Lafollette, a member since June 2009
Judy Blackburn of Morristown, a member since June 2009
Greg Duckett of Memphis, a member since May 2007
Tommy Head of Clarksville, a member since May 2007
James H. Wallace, Jr. of Jackson, a member since May 1995
Tom Wheeler of Clinton, a member since February 1992
The current commissioners will serve until May 2015.
The Cannon County Republican Party will monitor the activities of the Cannon County Election Commission and will strive to insure that fair elections are conducted and as many polling places as possible remain open, but has no control over the Cannon County Election Commission. If any person feels they have a grievance with Cannon County Election Commission, the Cannon County Republican Party recommends that you file your concerns or complaint with the State of Tennessee Department of State Division of Elections, 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue 9th floor, William Snodgrass Tower, Nashville, TN 37243 Phone: 615-741-7964 Fax: 615-741-1278 . You could also attend the meeting and contact the chairperson of the Cannon County Election Commission and ask that your grievance considered.
Woman Arrested For DUI 3rd Offense
A Cannon County Woman was arrested for a 3rd offense of Driving while under the influence earlier this week after Deputies found her passed out near a guard rail. Early Monday morning Deputy Lee Colweel was dispatched to Jim Cummings Hwy in reference to a reckless driver. Dispatch advised that the vehicle had almost hit numerous vehicles and made contact with a guard rail on the right side of the road. When Deputy Colwell got to the scene, he found the driver slumped over and unresponsive. There was a passenger in the car who told the Deputy what the driver’s name was. After approximately five minutes the driver who was identified a Christal Crouch woke up and began to respond. She had a strong odor of alcohol upon her. After failing some field sobriety tests, she was arrested. Information revealed that her license was suspended for DUI with two prior convictions. In addition to being arrested for DUI 3rd offense, Crocu was also charged with Driving on Revoked 4th offense and violation of implied consent law. Bond was set at a total of $10,000. Her vehicle was also seized.
Edgar Evins State Park Celebration Of Spring Is Saturday
THE 7TH ANNUAL CELEBRATION OF SPRING, takes place SAT.,from 8A-4P A full day of fun for families and individuals beginning with a wildflower hike with Randy Hedgepath, the TN State Naturalist at 8:30 A.M.. There will be other hikes, live entertainment, face painting, crafts making with Girls Scout Troop 1146, relay games, kite flying, Dutch Oven demonstrations by Boy Scout Troop 875 and more. All will be free except concessions and pontoon boat rides. The boat rides will be $2 per person. (Sorry, no children under 3 years of age on the boats and minors must be accompanied by an adult.) Bring your lunch and plan to stay for the day or come for a while. Signups for the boat rides will be on a first come, first serve basis at the registration table in front of the Visitors Center. Edgar Evins State Park,is located on Center Hill Lake, Silverpoint, between Smithville and Cookeville
Located approximately 20 miles north of Smithville, 20 miles west of Cookeville and 60 miles east of Nashville. From I-40 take exot 268 at State Hwy. 96 and Center Hill Lake. The park is in both DeKalb and Putnam Counties