Motlow College will administer the complete Residual ACT assessment test three times before the beginning of the 2015 fall semester. Applicants under 21 years of age who plan on attending Motlow College should register for the ACT assessment. Scores cannot be transferred to another college or university. All applicants taking the ACT test must have a Motlow admission application on file before taking the test.
The Residual ACT assessment test will be given from 12:30 p.m. – 4 p.m. on Thursday, July 23, Wednesday, Aug. 5, and Friday, Aug. 14. The test will be administered in Crouch Center Room 1046 on the Moore County campus.
Applicants are required to complete the application online as soon as possible to be eligible for the test. For the next available test dates and registration visit the Motlow College Testing Center website. Registration fee is $35 and students can pay the day of the test. Picture identification is required.
For complete information regarding the test contact the Testing Office at 931-393-1763, or 1-800-654-4877 ext. 1763.
News 2015
No Budget Proposal Recommendation Yet. Cannon County Commissioners Meet Saturday
The Cannon County Commissioners will meet for their regular monthly meeting Saturday at 10:00 in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse. Since the budget committee is still working on a budget proposal for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, the Commissioners won’t be voting on the issue. However they will look at a resolution to opt out of statewide standard building code standards. There is expected to be a informative discussion concerning possible zoning laws in the County. In addition they will appoint a new member to the 911 Board and Beer Boards.
Cannon County Farmers Market Opens This Saturday
Tomatoes, sweet corn and much more can be found at the Cannon County Farmers Market. The Market has added some new faces along with the ones you are oh-so use too. I am excited with the selection this early in the season. Jonathon Powell was at the Market on Saturday with his bodacious sweet corn, along with a few green tomatoes from Harold Underwood and red tomatoes from Thomas Bivens. Several of the farmers had half runner green beans and what a selection of red Pontiac and Irish potatoes.On the 25th of July, please make a special effort to drop by the Market for a memorial for our beloved friend and farmer, Mr. Thruman Bogle. Mr. Thurman is no longer with us due to injuries he suffered earlier this spring. The Market as well as the community lost a friend. This past Saturday, those visiting the Market that did not know of his death was deepen sadden to hear the news. We plan to have refreshments and free farmer market totes from 9 to 10 AM but plan to celebrate his contribution to the Market throughout the season. We are dedicating the 2015 season to the memory of Mr. Thurman Bogle.
For those looking for locally grown farm fresh vegetables, drop by the Cannon County Farmers Market this Saturday, July 18th for a great selection of fruits, vegetables and baked good including; beans (half-runners), cucumbers, local honey, peppers, okra, potatoes (red Pontiac, cobblers and kennebec), sweet corn (peaches & cream and silver queen), squash (zucchini, patty pan and yellow), tomatoes (red, yellow and green), assortment of squash. Irene Hollis has a great selection of homemade fried pies and assortment of jams, jellies and baked goods.
The Cannon County Farmers Market is located in the Farmers Pavilion at the Cannon County Arts Center (1424 John Bragg Hwy, Woodbury, TN 37190) every Saturday beginning at 6:00 A.M. Our producers are proud to offer locally grown farm fresh produce. Most Saturdays the market is open until noon or until the farm fresh fruits and vegetables have been sold. During the week, drop by the Market on Tuesdays and Thursday from 7A.M. until 11:00A.M for locally grown fruits and vegetable at the peak of freshness.
If you need more information concerning the market or would like to become a vendor, contact Bruce Steelman at the Cannon County Extension Office (563-2554), or
Libraries Release Annual Report
The Cannon County Libraries have released their annual report: Cannon County Library System has had an amazing year! This Library is a wonderful community asset, and has been a well-kept secret, but the word is out and staff are working harder and serving more members of the community each day! Over the course of the year, beginning July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015, the Library has seen increases in all areas of service. Circulation has increased 16%; the number of library card holders has increased 7%; and as more people realize the value of the Library, we have seen a 13% increase in library visits and a 30% increase in reference questions. Computer usage is up 3%, but this number does not include all those who use WI-FI at the library. And, thanks to a generous grant from the Adams Memorial Association the Library has been able to develop a dynamic programming plan, which has led to a 280% increase in program attendance. The Summer Reading Program has been very popular this summer, and the support of community donors, the Friends of the Adams Memorial Library, and the Adams Memorial Association has allowed added programming and reading incentives for all ages. This year’s program registration has increased 40% over last summer’s! The library system wishes to thank all the supporters of the Cannon County Library System, with your support and generosity the Library is doing great things.
Rutherford County Mother and Daughter Charged With Tenn Care Fraud
A mother and daughter are charged in Rutherford County in separate TennCare fraud charges involving doctor shopping for prescription drugs. The Office of Inspector General (OIG), with the assistance of the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office, today announced the arrest of Keisha Chavis, 41, and 24-year old Brittany Chavis, both of Smyrna.
Keisha Chavis is charged with 13 counts of doctor shopping for drugs, using TennCare as payment, along with two counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. Daughter Brittany is charged with eight counts of TennCare fraud involving doctor shopping for prescription drugs, using TennCare as payment. Both women are accused of visiting multiple physicians in a short period of time to obtain prescriptions for the painkiller Tramadol, using TennCare as payment.
“We’re very grateful for the assistance we receive from local police as well as pharmacies and providers who all want to bring an end to the abuse of TennCare, especially in the area of prescription drugs,” Inspector General Manny Tyndall said. “We’ll keep pursuing people who commit these crimes as many times as it takes until they understand we’re not tolerating this type of abuse of the TennCare program.”
TennCare fraud is a Class E felony carrying a sentence of up to two years in prison per charge. District Attorney General Jennings H. Jones is prosecuting.
The OIG, which is separate from TennCare, began full operation in February 2005 and has investigated cases leading to over $3 million being repaid to TennCare, with a total estimated cost avoidance of over $163.6 million for TennCare, according to latest figures. To date, 2,397 people have been charged with TennCare fraud.
– See more at:
A mother and daughter are charged in Rutherford County in separate TennCare fraud charges involving doctor shopping for prescription drugs.
The Office of Inspector General (OIG), with the assistance of the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office, today announced the arrest of Keisha Chavis, 41, and 24-year old Brittany Chavis, both of Smyrna.
Keisha Chavis is charged with 13 counts of doctor shopping for drugs, using TennCare as payment, along with two counts of obtaining a controlled substance by fraud. Daughter Brittany is charged with eight counts of TennCare fraud involving doctor shopping for prescription drugs, using TennCare as payment. Both women are accused of visiting multiple physicians in a short period of time to obtain prescriptions for the painkiller Tramadol, using TennCare as payment.
“We’re very grateful for the assistance we receive from local police as well as pharmacies and providers who all want to bring an end to the abuse of TennCare, especially in the area of prescription drugs,” Inspector General Manny Tyndall said. “We’ll keep pursuing people who commit these crimes as many times as it takes until they understand we’re not tolerating this type of abuse of the TennCare program.”
TennCare fraud is a Class E felony carrying a sentence of up to two years in prison per charge. District Attorney General Jennings H. Jones is prosecuting.
The OIG, which is separate from TennCare, began full operation in February 2005 and has investigated cases leading to over $3 million being repaid to TennCare, with a total estimated cost avoidance of over $163.6 million for TennCare, according to latest figures. To date, 2,397 people have been charged with TennCare fraud.
Woodbury Lions Club Reminds Everyone Of Blood Drive Thursday
Blood Donors are needed during the Cannon Community American Red Cross Blood Drive set for Thursday at the Woodbury Lions Club Building All eligible donors are encouraged to make and keep donation appointments this month to help restock the shelves to ensure an adequate blood supply for patients all summer long. Blood and platelet donations often decline during the summer when schools are out of session and regular donors are on vacation. Donors of all blood types are currently needed, especially those with types AB, O negative, B negative and A negative blood. Platelet donors are also needed. Blood can be safely donated every 56 days. Platelets can be given every seven days – up to 24 times a year. Individuals who are 17 years of age (16 with parental consent in most states), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. The Blood drive at the Woodbury Lions Club Building will take place from 12 noon until 6P Thursday
Col Jim Stone:Fireworks Were Dynamite!
The FIREWORKS CELEBRATION for 2015 was the best one everaccording to all of the comments I heard Sunday, following the
Saturday Night event sponsored by the American Legion Post
279. The Annual Fireworks Event is paid for by Cannon County,
the City of Woodbury, and the Town of Auburntown. Under the
dynamic leadership of Commander, Charlie F. Harrell, the American
Legion Post 279, the Sons of Squadron 279, and a very special
group of “Friends of American Legion Post 279, joined forces, and
with a positive attitude to get the job done, put on a great event for the
citizens of Cannon County. This “Cracker Jack”
Team put their hearts and minds together, planned the
activities, and worked hard making sure that all of the events
and fireworks display went just like clockwork. When all was
over, I heard many comments from the team members, saying boy I am tired,
but I had so much fun, and I want to come back next year and help. There
were games for the kids, live music, patriotic music, a
dunking tank, hot dogs, cold drinks, sno-cones, strawberry short
cakes, American flags, glow sticks and special trinkets. Chris
Greninger a qualified and licensed DRONE pilot, put on several
demonstrations for the folks. He filmed the fireworks display
from above the display. Hopefully,Chris, a Veteran, will become a
Legionnaire in Post 279. He would be a great asset to Post 279 and
Woodbury. I asked Commander Harrell what he thought about Fireworks
Celebration 2015. He said, “It was simply outstanding and a great
success.” He continued by saying that the attendance was also the highest
he had seen. He also said that we want to start now, planning and making
Fireworks Celebration 2016 even bigger and better. And that he wanted to
get comments from our citizens, and especially our children, on what they
think, their ideas, and recommendations to make this annual event for our
County something we can all enjoy and appreciate. So, if you have a good
idea or suggestion for the Fireworks Celebration 2016 contact Charlie
Harrell or Jim Stone.
We want to express our sincere appreciation to the Woodbury Police
Department, the Woodbury Fire Department, and the Woodbury Public Works
Crew. This men and women are dedicated and devoted to serving the
citizens of Woodbury and Cannon County. The County and City First
Responders are our heroes. When you see a First Responder or a Veteran
shake their hand and tell them thanks for their service. And when you see
a member of the Woodbury Public Works Crew, shake their hand and thank
them for keeping our City of Woodbury looking so great. Commander Harrell
turned to me and said what did you think? I said that it was “CRACKER
JACK!”, and I had so much fun working with a great group of hard charging,
dedicated, devoted, and positive thinking, volunteers working hard for our
YOUTH, our COMMUNITY, and our VETERANS. God bless Woodbury, Cannon
County, Tennessee, and the United States of America; and God bless our
citizens and especially our children. They are tomorrows leaders of this
great nation.
Microsoft Office Key Cards Reported Stolen From Amazon In Murfreesboro
The warehouse in Murfreesboro has reported a sizable theft at their Joe B. Jackson Parkway location. According to, an employee has been accused of stealing 321 Microsoft Office Key Cards valued at over $34,000. The key cards allow for customers to download the Microsoft Office Program and then access the software with the key card, which normally sells for about $105.
The same subject is also believed to be responsible for the theft of 123 X-Box Live Subscription Cards valued at more than $7,000. Each X-Box card sells for $60.
An arrest has not been made as the case is under investigation.
$500 Worth Of Toys and Home Decor Shoplifted From Walmart Cannon County Man Arrested
A Cannon County man was arrested for shoplifting in Murfreesboro Sunday after he allegedly was caught shoplifting over $500 worth of merchandise from Walmart. According to Murfreesboro City Police reports, Police arrested 35 year old Rustin J. Means of Bradyville after they were called to the Walmart on 2900 South Rutherford Blvd Sunday to make contact with a Walmart Loss Prevention officer. The officer advised that Means took items from the store which were listed as toys and home decor totalling $520.70. Mr. Means put all the items in a shopping cart and allegedly walked past the cash registers and headed for the door without paying for them. Due to the amount that was shoplifted, Murfreesboro Police could not just give Means a citiation to court. Means was arrested on a count of theft over $500 and transported to the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Office. He is scheduled to appear in Rutherford County General Sessions Court September 30th to answer to the charge.
Ronjie Tocholke Auxiliary Unit Member Of Year
American Legion Post 279 is pleased and honored to announce the selection of Ronjie Tocholke as the Auxiliary Unit Member of the Year
for the State of Tennessee Department of the American Legion.
The State of Tennessee has 195 Posts throughout the State, some as large
as 2000 members strong.
She is a tremendous asset in the Auxiliary Unit of the Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279.
Col. Jim Stone says “When there is a requirement to work or support a fund raising event,
Ronjie is there, with a smile and a positive attitude to get the job
done. She is a key player in preparing the monthly meals served at
the American Legion meetings.” Ronjie is married to Martin Tocholke,
recently retired from the Alvin C. York Medical Center in
Murfreesboro (The VA Hospital).