Forever Abbey Road Beatles Band Tonight At Arts Center. Reverse Raffle Saturday

Forever Abbey Road is five professional Nashville musicians who come together to perform the music of the Beatles with love, gratitude, and accuracy. The band’s fun and exciting live show features fan favorites from The Beatles’ entire catalog. From “Please Please Me” and “All My Loving” to “Hey Jude” and “Get Back” audiences are guaranteed to hear The Beatles’ most popular songs from their entire career
The show will be tonight at the Arts Center Of Cannon County starting at 7:30 p.m.  Tickets are $15 for adults and $13 for students and must be purchased in advance.  Call 563-2787 for more information.  
The Annual Reverse Raffle Fundraiser takes place Saturday at the Arts Center Of Cannon County.  Everyone is invited to join for dinner, entertainment, and a chance to win $5000 while supporting the Arts Center! Our annual Reverse Raffle is a chance to press your luck and go for the big win! Your $75 ticket includes dinner & dessert, live entertainment, a chance to bid on auction items, and of course an entry number is our $5000 reverse raffle! Dinner will be catered by The Blue Porch Restaurant.  Once again reservations are required. Call 615-563-2787.  Tickets may also be purchased to either event by checking out their website at

Disc Golf Tournament And Music Fest Hits Short Mountain Distillery Starting Friday

Short Mountain Distillery as Flyin Colors Disc Golf is the hosts of the 2nd annual Short Mountain Disc Jam and Music Festival which starts Friday and runs late through Sunday night early Monday morning,  Part of the proceeds going to Live Music Fri, Sat & Sunday 3 pm to 11 pm featuring Whyte Noise, Deep Fried Five, Trollsbiscuits, Mamadrones, Bad People, Tangled Hearts and Robyn Taylor among other acts.     For those interested there is a Disc Golf Tournament which is limited to 144 players.
*All tournament entry includes lunch & dinner buffet on Saturday and breakfast & lunch buffet on Sunday
FIRST 100 players signed up receive Full players package that includes event shirt, event stamped Innova Disc And more!!
Open & Am Disc Golf Tournament includes 3 day festival $100.00 and Youth Tournament includes 3 day festival $70.00
For those only wanting to attend the three day festival tickets are only a 1 time cost of $30.00.  Tickets for just one day is $15.00
For more information check out their website at

Youth Football Needs More Players

Youth football practice has already started but there is a need for more players.  Practice is on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at the field next to the community pool at the Fairgrounds.  Teams start at 5 years of age.  There is a cost of $65 to cover the uniforms however there are sponsors for people who would need help in getting their uniforms.  For more information call Ed Phillips at 615-967-7265  

Red Apple Days Schedule For This Weekend

Red Apple Day Schedule  2015 July 31st and August 1st 7:30 a.m.    Red Apple Day Run
9:00-10:00 a.m.   Games in the Park
                            Skillet Toss
                           Frog Jumping
                           Toilet Bowl Race
                           Donut Eating Contest  
           Egg and Spoon Race
                           Corn Hole Tournament
10:00a.m.    Apples of My Eye Pageant new born to six years old
 10:00 a.m.           Apple Dessert Bake-Off
 11:00        Car show    
12:00                  Lion’s Club Fish Fry               Rook Tournament to follow Parade
 1:00 p.m.            Dog Show
2:00 p.m.            Red Apple 500
 5:00- 9:00 p.m.     Friday Night Gospel music
3:00pm-10:00p.m.    Country, blues and blue grass music
We will have water slide for the kids all day Saturday
Many vendors and GREAT food come join the fun!!!!!!!!!!
Please call Denise 615-464-2696 with any questions or post on the Red Apple Day Facebook page.

Chloe Dill Wins 1st At Expo

The Tennessee 4-H Livestock program offers many opportunities for 4-Her’s to exhibit beef cattle throughout the state. In addition, youth may participate in livestock judging competitions, skillathon contests, 4-H Project Achievement, and Beef Quiz Bowl. Cannon County 4-H Member, Chloe Dill, participated in the Tennessee Junior Livestock Exposition by showing beef cattle and participating in skillathon.  This years’ Beef Expo took place at Tennessee Livestock Center in Murfreesboro, Tennessee.  The beef project assists young people in gaining skills in animal care, nutrition, responsibility, grooming, and showing.  Chloe came away from the multi-county and State Livestock Shows with several awards and a wonderful experience. At the multi-county Chloe’s Commercial Heifer won Championship! Congratulations to Chloe Dill for receiving 1st place in her class and being recognized during the Championship Class at the state show. We are proud of Chloe for her hard work and achievement! If you have any questions about the 4-H Program, please call the Cannon County Extension Office at 563-2554

19 cent Property Tax Increase Recommendation To Be Made

The Cannon County Budget Committee met Tuesday night after they thought they had come up with a solution to fund the expenditures by increasing the wheel tax $20.00 and earmarking it for the county general fund the week before.  During the discussion of raising the wheel tax, County Executive Mike Gannon explained that the recommendation of raising the wheel tax sticker would have to go before the full Cannon County Commission and pass by two thirds Commission vote on two separate regular meetings.  That meant that if the wheel tax recommendation did pass through the Commission it would not be able to be considered part of the revenue as all county budgets in the State of Tennessee have to be adopted by August 30th and it would take the September meeting for the wheel tax to be approved by the Commissioner if it was approved at all.  On top of that the wheel tax increase could eventually end up on a voter referendum if certain conditions are met meaning that it could not be until March 2015 until it is ultimately passed during the next voter election.  All that means is the State Comptroller’s Office would not accept the budget under those circumstances as the county would be playing with a what if situation in order to fund the budget. CTAS official Ben Rodgers who oversees 13 counties advised that the State is wanting every county to build and maintain a healthy General Fund Balance.  Rodgers said that the State considers a fund balance to be at least 9 percent more than the ending fund expenditures which in Cannon County’s case is estimated to be $456,000.  Total estimated expenditures for the County at the end of the 2015-2016 fiscal year is expected to be $5,042,781.00.  The General Fund Balance at the End of this fiscal year is $141,770.00 estimated with the excess of estimated revenues and other sources estimated to be a -$286,252.00 makes the estimated ending fund balance on June 30th -$144,482.00.  With the information Mr Rodgers gave to the budget committee this means that in order to get the fund balance to at least where the state would like it to be, the fund balance would need to be funded for $600,000.  After going around the table several times and making comments and trying to figure out a solution, the committee decided to make a recommendation of a 19 cent property tax increase.  Each cent brings approximated $20,000 of revenue which would bring in a total of $380,000, giving the county a fund balance at the end of the 2015-2016 fiscal year an estimated roughly $236,000.00.  The State might allow this as the County would be showing a plan to build a healthy fund balance to where the State says it should be.  The Commission will also consider the wheel tax and if voted on and passed during the August and September meetings and with no other road blocks in the way the property tax could possibly be lowered the 13 cents next fiscal year that the wheel tax would take the place of.  The Cannon County Commissioners will vote on these issues in their next regular monthly meeting Thursday August 6th.

Cannon County Planning Commission To Meet Tonight

The Cannon County Planning Commission will meet tonight.  Two items on the agenda will be the consideration of final subdivision plat for property located on Carol Anne Drive the Loux Division and other business as necessary.  The Planning Commission has been given the green light to continue their studying of zoning

Cannon County Budget Committee Meets In Special Session Tuesday

The Cannon County Budget Committee thought they had the budget for the new fiscal year figured out.  At last Tuesday’s meeting the Committee voted not to raise property taxes but to fund the budget by making a recommendation to the full Cannon County Commissioners during their August meeting to raise the wheel tax $20.00.  However when the idea was brought to the table, Cannon County Executive explained the process in which it would take for the County Commissioners to pass a wheel tax resolution.  The resolution has to pass two thirds majority vote by the Cannon County Commissioners on two readings of the resolution which would take place during the August and September meeting.  Friday, County Executive Gannon found out that the proposal to raise the wheel tax would not work for this year because all county budgets have to be approved by October 1st and if a budget and funding of the budget has not been set by October 1st, the County Government would be shut down.  So with this new information coming to light, the Cannon County Budget Committee will meet in a special session Tuesday to discuss the funding of the budget.  CTAS representative Ben Rodgers will be on hand to talk with the Budget Committee.  Meeting starts Tuesday at 5:00 in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse.

We Care Cannon Brings School Supplies To Cannon County Students

The We Care Cannon Back To School event that took place Sunday at the Woodbury Grammar School took care of supplying school supplies and other necessary items for the upcoming school year for many of the school children here in Cannon County.  When the doors opened yesterday afternoon at 2:00 the line which started in the Grammar School cafeteria stayed full almost to the outside doors as people patiently waited their turn with their children to get the school supplies and health products such as toothpaste, mouthwash.  They took part in the free dental, vision and health screenings and many walked out with pairs of free socks and underwear.  Anyone who missed Sunday’s event and has children in Kindergarten through 5th Grade the United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties will be distributing back to school kits which include school supplies to Cannon County schools in the near future according to a press release Saturday. More Pictures Are Available Through WBRY Facebook

26 Roach Clips Found In Car

26 roach clips were found in an ash tray of a Murfreesboro erratic driver recently who was issued a release citation in Cannon County for simple possession.  According to Cannon County Sheriff Department Reports Deputy Jordan McGee was on Patrol on Centerhill Road when he observed a dark four door car traveling toward Highway 70.  When the car came around the curve he crossed over halfway into the other lane.  That’s when Deputy McGee conducted a traffic stop.  There he approached the vehicle and spoke with the driver Brian Johnson of Murfreesboro who stated he was heading home from work and was not paying attention to the curve.  Mr. Johnson’s license came back suspended.  Johnson admitted being on probation for marijuana and as Deputy McGee talked to him he saw that there was an empty pack of blunt shells in the door of the vehicle.  Johnson told him there wasn’t anything illegal in the car.   After Deputy McGee searched the car, he found 26 roaches in the ash tray along with two empty blunt shell packs and one with a blunt inside.  Johnson was issued a release citation for simple possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and driving on suspended license.  He will appear in Cannon County General Sessions Court September 1st to answer to the charges.