Registration Started For Advanced Master Beef Classes

The Advanced Master Beef program is for those Master Beef Producers which participated in the original program from 2004-2008.  To continue your TAEP cost share program, Master Beef Producer graduates must attend Advanced MBP sessions.  The fall Advanced Master Beef sessions will begin in September and will be completed prior to December 1st.  This is the reimbursement deadline for those producers participating in the Livestock Equipment and Livestock Feed Storage TAEP programs.  in other words, you will be able to graduate from the class and still maintain your 50% cost share.  All meetings will be held at the Centertown Community Center located at 92 Gilbert Street McMinnville.  All sessions will begin at 6:30 p.m. and will include a meal. If you are planning on participating in these sessions, please drop by the Extension office and register for the Advance Master Beef sessions.  The cost is $75 and the office will need your premise ID, account number and BQA number when you register.  For those who do not have a current BQA number, the extension office will provide this certification at one of the AMBP Sessions.  For more information contact the Cannon County Extension Office at 615-563-2554

Consumer Affairs Warns About Solicitations For State Filings

The paperwork may appear as if it comes from a government agency, but the solicitations that are landing in mailboxes across Tennessee are from private companies angling to charge whopping prices to consumers for relatively inexpensive state services. Today, the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance (TDCI)’s Consumer Affairs Division joins the Tennessee Secretary of State and the Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee with a statewide alert about companies misleading consumers when it comes to filing state paperwork on their behalf.
“Consumers who receive one of these letters should contact the Division of Consumer Affairs or our partners at the Secretary of State’s office,” said TDCI Deputy Commissioner Bill Giannini.  “You don’t have to pay someone else a big fee to file simple paperwork.”
Various companies are sending letters offering to obtain business filings, corporate certificates of good standing and certified copies of deeds for homeowners. These solicitations would charge consumers upwards of $150 for these services and (in at least one instance) ask provide credit card information.
In Tennessee, a corporation’s annual report can be filed for $20. Costs for filing other documents vary. (A list of the For Profit Corporation Fee Schedule is listed here.) Local register of deeds often only charge per page for copies of property records, which are typically under $10.
“We are committed to ridding Tennessee of unscrupulous operators posing as legitimate businesses,” said TDCI Deputy Commissioner Bill Giannini. “We appreciate the collaboration and assistance of the Secretary of State and the BBB in identifying these entities. We will continue to make Tennesseans aware of these deceptive business practices through consumer alerts and outreach efforts.” 
For more information, visit the BBB’s list of “Misleading Advertising, Products and Services Middle Tennessee Consumers and Businesses Can Do Without.”
The Division of Business Services maintains a user-friendly online tool to obtain a Certificate of Existence. It can be found at:
To contact Consumer Affairs with a question, call (615) 741-4737 or send us an ema
– See more at:
 The paperwork may appear as if it comes from a government agency, but the solicitations that are landing in mailboxes across Tennessee are from private companies angling to charge whopping prices to consumers for relatively inexpensive state services.
Today, the Tennessee Department of Commerce and Insurance (TDCI)’s Consumer Affairs Division joins the Tennessee Secretary of State and the Better Business Bureau of Middle Tennessee with a statewide alert about companies misleading consumers when it comes to filing state paperwork on their behalf.
“Consumers who receive one of these letters should contact the Division of Consumer Affairs or our partners at the Secretary of State’s office,” said TDCI Deputy Commissioner Bill Giannini.  “You don’t have to pay someone else a big fee to file simple paperwork.”
Various companies are sending letters offering to obtain business filings, corporate certificates of good standing and certified copies of deeds for homeowners. These solicitations would charge consumers upwards of $150 for these services and (in at least one instance) ask provide credit card information.
In Tennessee, a corporation’s annual report can be filed for $20. Costs for filing other documents vary. (A list of the For Profit Corporation Fee Schedule is listed here.) Local register of deeds often only charge per page for copies of property records, which are typically under $10.
“We are committed to ridding Tennessee of unscrupulous operators posing as legitimate businesses,” said TDCI Deputy Commissioner Bill Giannini. “We appreciate the collaboration and assistance of the Secretary of State and the BBB in identifying these entities. We will continue to make Tennesseans aware of these deceptive business practices through consumer alerts and outreach efforts.”
For more information, visit the BBB’s list of “Misleading Advertising, Products and Services Middle Tennessee Consumers and Businesses Can Do Without.”
The Division of Business Services maintains a user-friendly online tool to obtain a Certificate of Existence. It can be found at:
To contact Consumer Affairs with a question, call (615) 741-4737

MTSU School Of Nursing Ranked In Publication

Middle Tennessee State University’s School of Nursing is listed among the top nursing programs in the region, according to recently released rankings by a nursing advocacy website., a social community website that targets nurses and health care professionals, listed MTSU at No. 15 among almost 1,200 schools of nursing in the eastern United States evaluated by the website in its “America’s Best Nursing Schools” rankings. MTSU was ranked highest among Tennessee nursing programs and the only state program ranked in the Top 30.
Earning a nursing degree could be a pathway to a promising career, as employment for registered nurses alone is projected to grow by more than 20 percent by 2022, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, with average salaries of $60,000 and higher.
The next highest ranked Tennessee program was the University of Tennessee-Martin’s, which was ranked 31st, followed by Austin Peay State University at 32 and the University of Memphis at 35. Other large four-year Tennessee universities in the ranking included UT-Chattanooga (76), Vanderbilt (389), University of Tennessee-Knoxville (401) and Tennessee Tech (465). In evaluating the nursing programs, the website assigned scores in five categories: quality, affordability, convenience, satisfaction and value. Those scores were totaled to get an overall score that formed the basis for the rankings.
MTSU receiving its highest category score for affordability. To determine a category score, the website awarded points in various subcategories. For example, for affordability, the website not only considered the overall cost for a student to enroll in the program, but also factors such as financial aid percentages, student loan debt and cost of living.
The MTSU School of Nursing undergraduate program is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education and approved by the Tennessee Board of Nursing. The graduate program is accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.
The School of Nursing offers a traditional four-year nursing program; an R.N. to B.S.N. program for currently licensed RNs with a diploma or associate’s degree in nursing; and a master’s degree through a consortium program with three tracks: nursing education, nursing administration, and family practice nursing.

Motlow College Announces Alert System

Motlow College is encouraging all students, faculty and staff to register for the mobile Motlow Alert system. The service is free and is also open to members of the general public who would like to receive the latest information regarding Motlow. Motlow Alert, formerly Rave, is one of Motlow’s methods of emergency notification and is the easiest and quickest way for members of the Motlow community to receive important campus updates such as school cancellations due to inclement weather. The system sends text messages to service subscribers, enabling registered members to be as prepared as possible for any kind of emergency.
Register by visiting the Motlow College website and clicking the Motlow Alert icon. Fill out the form, which requires email and phone number information. Subscribers will receive an email and text message confirming a successful registration.
Motlow Alert does not charge subscribers to send or receive SMS messages. Standard or other messaging charges apply depending upon the wireless carrier plan and subscription details. Once registered, subscribers can opt out of SMS messages at any time.

Motlow College Announces Alert System

Motlow College is encouraging all students, faculty and staff to register for the mobile Motlow Alert system. The service is free and is also open to members of the general public who would like to receive the latest information regarding Motlow. Motlow Alert, formerly Rave, is one of Motlow’s methods of emergency notification and is the easiest and quickest way for members of the Motlow community to receive important campus updates such as school cancellations due to inclement weather. The system sends text messages to service subscribers, enabling registered members to be as prepared as possible for any kind of emergency.
Register by visiting the Motlow College website and clicking the Motlow Alert icon. Fill out the form, which requires email and phone number information. Subscribers will receive an email and text message confirming a successful registration.
Motlow Alert does not charge subscribers to send or receive SMS messages. Standard or other messaging charges apply depending upon the wireless carrier plan and subscription details. Once registered, subscribers can opt out of SMS messages at any time.

Wheel Tax Resolution Passes First Reading During Commissioners Meeting

In looking to the future, the Cannon County Commissioners voted on a couple of resolutions designed to bring more revenue into the County during their monthly meeting Thursday evening.  Resolution 2015-4 which was to levy an additional sales and use tax was passed by an 8 to 2 vote.  The two commissioners that voted against the sales tax was Russell Reed and Brent Bush.  The matter will now go before the Cannon County voting public which will vote in March.  If voted in, the sales tax will go from 8.75 percent to 9.75 percent.  Many commissioners agreed that all the surrounding counties are current at the 9.75 percent and a lot of Cannon County residents do most of their consumer business outside the county so in turn they would be used to paying the increase anyway.   Resolution 2015-5 which is to levy an additional county wide motor vehicle tax passed by a 7-3 vote on first reading.  This is to add $20.00 to the county wheel tax sticker taking it from $74.25 to $94.25.  This source of revenue was originally set up to help fund the increasing expenditures in the 2015-2016 fiscal year budget.  However after the Cannon County Budget Committee voted on this, it was found out that the issue had to pass two consecutive readings and therefore would not be eligible to fund this year’s increases due to the budget having to be approved by September 1st.  After this passed the first reading with only Commissioners Russell Reed, Jim Bush and Brent Bush voting against it.  It will now go before the Commission on the second and final reading.  If it passes, there still is no guarantee that it will go into effect.  Information was shared during the commissioners meeting that citizens would then have 30 days to petition against the wheel tax proposal and if enough signatures are on that petition, it would also be put to vote by the Cannon County registered voters in March’s election.
The meeting started off with Ben Rodgers who is Cannon County’s representative of the County Technical Advisory Service also known as CTAS.  He informed the commissioners of the pros and cons of implementing a Senior Tax Freeze.  According to figures from the Property Assessor’s Office 328 Cannon County citizens are on the property tax relief program which is different than the Senior Tax Freeze.  40 of those 328 are new to the tax relief program this year.  A total of 17 percent of the population in Cannon County is age 65 or older.  The tax freeze program insures that eligible participants property tax will not go up while they are eligible.  It is unsure of the actual number of Cannon County citizens that qualify for the tax freeze program.  23 counties and 29 cities in the state of Tennessee participate in the program, but Rodgers warned the Commission that counties that adopt the tax freeze program have to hire additional help to implement it.  
After Rodgers was through giving the information, Commissioner Brent Bush tried to make a motion to pass the property tax freeze however there was no second given and the motion failed.  Most of the commissioners wanted to see what implementing the program would cost as far as labor and overhead expenses compared to what it would save the taxpayers that qualify.   A Committee was formed with Commissioners Brent Bush, Mark Barker, Richie Hunter and Karen Ashford to study the matter further and report back to the Commission at a later meeting.  
The Cannon County Commissioners will meet at a later date this month to consider approval of the expenditures and funding of this fiscal year’s budget.  In the meantime the Cannon County Budget Committee will meet one more time Tuesday at 5:00 at the Cannon County Courthouse

Congresswoman Diane Black To Hold Town Hall Meeting At Courthouse Monday

A WBRY reminder….Congresswoman Diane Black who represents Cannon County will be in Woodbury this coming Monday to hold a Town Hall Meeting.  Everyone is invited to attend.  She will open the floor to questions from the public during the meeting.  The meeting will take place at 6:00 at the Cannon County Courthouse Monday night.  

Silver Queen Sweet Corn At Farmers Market Today

The “Martin Boys” will be at the Market this Saturday, August 8th with a pickup load of silver queen sweet corn. Hot weather has really hurt the available of sweet corn, this in addition to the losses from “4 legged critters” has made sweet corn is short supply. If your looking for sweet corn, it will be at the Cannon County Farmers Market this Saturday. Those looking for locally grown farm fresh vegetables can find a great selection of tomatoes, okra, cucumbers along with squash and more.  There’s also a great selection of fruits available.  Other items you’ll find at the Cannon County Farmers Market this week includes homemade fried pies, and an assortment of jams, jellies and baked goods along with local honey The Cannon County Farmers Market is located in the Farmers Pavilion at the Cannon County Arts Center (1424 John Bragg Hwy, Woodbury, TN 37190) every Saturday beginning at 6:00 A.M. Our producers are proud to offer locally grown farm fresh produce. Most Saturdays the market is open until noon or until the farm fresh fruits and vegetables have been sold. During the week, drop by the Market on Tuesdays and Thursday from 7A.M. until 11:00A.M for locally grown fruits and vegetable at the peak of freshness.
If you need more information concerning the market or would like to become a vendor, contact Bruce Steelman at the Cannon County Extension Office (563-2554), or  

Sales Tax and Wheel Tax Discussed and Voted On At Tonight’s County Commission Meeting

Cannon County Sheriff Darrell Young in a Facebook post recently reported that the Cannon County Jail did not pass the state inspection this year.  During the past year the Sheriff’s Department has been working with the State Tennessee Correctional Institute in trying to get back up to standards.   Some of the reasons Sheriff Young states that the jail failed the inspection report included the square footage standard cannot be met because of serious inmate overcrowding.  Staffing does not allow for officers to perform necessary functions with only two officers on each shifts.  Inmates can not be classified because of overcrowding in both male and female pods.  The Cannon County Commissioners will discuss the jail tonight at their regular monthly meeting.  A resolution will be discussed in regards to creating a jail projects capital outlay fund.  Two other resolutions are set to be voted on during the meeting.  A resolution to levy an additional sales and use tax.  Currently the Sales Tax in Cannon County is 8.25%.  With the commissioners knowing how bad revenue needs to be raised in Cannon County, one of the ways to do it is through Sales Tax.  All other surrounding Counties have a 9.75% sales tax.  The Commission will vote on this issue and once again if passed it will have to go to the voters per referendum to vote on during the next election.  Another resolution is for a 20 cent increase in the county’s wheel tax.   The wheel tax resolution must pass by two thirds vote on two consecutive readings.  This means that this method of funding will not take place possibly until 2016-2017 fiscal year and would have an impact on a proposed property tax increase to fund this years budget.  The proposed property tax increase however will not be decided on tonight as it is part of the funding of this fiscal year’s budget and will be decided on during a special called meeting.  The meeting tonight however starts at 5:00 at the Cannon County Courthouse.

Introducing The New Extension Office 4-H/FCS Agent

The Cannon County Extension Interview Committee interviewed two candidates for the Cannon County 4-H/FCS position. The interview committee recommended Mrs. Shavon Ward to fill the position vacated by Carla Bush. As you are aware, Carla is now working in Rutherford County as the Adult Family Consumer Science Agent. The interview committee consisted of; Martin Daniel, Peggy Miller, Mark Barker, Glenn Steakley and Eloise Rains. Upon their recommendation, the Extension Agriculture Committee (Orville Lewis, Market Daniel, Richie Hunter, Mike Gannon, Glenn Steakley, Pat Simpson and Peggy Miller) approved the hiring of Mrs. Ward. Shavon exhibited her creativity skills and vison during the interview process.   She is a graduate of MTSU with a Bachelor of Science Degree. Mrs. Ward, will begin on August 1st as the Family Consumer/4-H Agent in Cannon County.
Shavon has been wrapping up her duties at Tractor Supply Company where she has been working at the corporate office for the past six years.  During the transition, she has been attending various Family Consumer Education Club events. In addition to attending the FCE County Council, she assisted with the FCE Cultural Arts event held at the Arts Center of Cannon County. Please make plans to drop by the Woodbury Lions Club anytime from 2 PM to 4 PM on August 13th to welcome Shavon to Cannon County.  The Family and Consumer Education Clubs will provide refreshments