High School Students Participate In Leadership Conference

Cannon County High School students in the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) attended the Middle Tennessee Fall Leadership Conference at Bridgestone Arena.  Students participated in workshops on Team Building, Leadership, Service, and Communication.  The theme for this year’s conference was “Aspire To Inspire Students Attending included Bethany Gunter, Taylor DeArmond, Addison Higgins, Carrie Smith, Holly Prater, and Kaitlyn Hayes Rebekah Higgins, Callie Francis, Logan Young, Caitlin Miller, and Alex Knox

Cannon Shut Out In Smith County

Even though the opposition celebrated homecoming Friday night, it felt just like another regular season football game as the Cannon County Lions traveled to Carthage to meet region opponent Smith County.  The rainy weather showed it’s effects as officials moved homecoming ceremonies to the gym, while the teams warmed up on the football field.   Smith County’s defense held the Lions offense to only 16 yards in the first half and 60 yards total in the game while the Owls traveled 211 yards on the ground and 73 yards in the air.  Smith County took the win 56-0 in another mercy rule second half.  Cannon will next see football action at home in Woodbury against Middle Tennessee Christian School .  It will be Pink-Out Friday night at 7:00 as the schools will raise money to raise awareness of cancer.  

Motlow College Students Can Still Register For Classes

Any student who missed the opportunity to register for classes beginning in August can still register for “late-start” classes at Motlow College. Classes will begin on Oct. 14, and end on Dec. 3. Registration for these “late-start” classes ends on Oct. 14. The late-start schedule includes Monday – Thursday courses, as well as Monday and Wednesday only and Tuesday and Thursday only courses. A few weekend courses are available, however, classes for weekends began on Sept. 18. Registration for weekend courses is still open until Oct. 14.
The following classes are available for the late-start session at the McMinnville Center: Learning Support Reading, Music Appreciation, Math for General Studies, Computer Applications, and First Year Experience.
Courses available at the Smyrna Center are: Intermediate Algebra, Computer Applications, Wellness Perspectives/Lifestyles, English Composition I, and Introduction to Biology.
For more information about late-start classes, please visit the Motlow online catalog at http://catalog.mscc.edu/. For assistance, contact Dr. Scott Cook, assistant vice president for academic affairs, at scook@mscc.edu or 931-393-1738.

Fire Prevention Week Observed This Week

Location matters when it comes to your family’s smoke alarms. This year’s Fire Prevention Week (Oct. 4-10) campaign, “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep. Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm!” stresses the importance of placing working smoke alarms in every bedroom, outside each sleeping area, and on every level of a home, including the basement. Along with firefighters and safety advocates nationwide, the Tennessee State Fire Marshal’s Office (SFMO) is joining forces with the nonprofit National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) during Fire Prevention Week to remind Tennesseans about the importance of working smoke alarms.
“In a fire, every second counts,” said State Fire Marshal and Tennessee Department of Commerce & Insurance Commissioner Julie Mix McPeak. “Half of home fire deaths result from fires reported at night between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. when most people are asleep. Home smoke alarms can alert people to a fire before it spreads, giving everyone enough time to get out.”
According to the latest NFPA research, working smoke alarms cut the chance of dying in a fire in half. Meanwhile, three out of five fire deaths resulted from fires in homes with no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms.
To learn more about smoke alarms and “Hear the Beep Where You Sleep. Every Bedroom Needs a Working Smoke Alarm!” visit NFPA’s Web site at www.firepreventionweek.org

Owls Meet Lions Tonight In Carthage

Only four games left for the Cannon County Lions high school football team and tonight the team will take to the road to Carthage for a region matchup against Smith County.  The Lions upset the Owls for Cannon County’s only win last year and while Smith County still remembers that loss, they can still be in the hunt for the playoffs but this game is a pivotal one for the Owls who are winless in the region at 0-2 and have yet to play Upperman.  Smith County overall is 3-3 and have lost two in a row including last week’s loss to Stone Memorial.  The Lions are coming off their worst defeat of the year a 70-12 loss to Upperman.  Football Friday returns to WBRY with Tailgate starting at 4:30 this afternoon, followed by our friend Murphy Fair and Murphy’s Matchups, Friday Night Thunder rolls in at 6:00 and the FirstBank Pregame Show will start at 6:45 with the kickoff beginning at 7:00.  You can catch all the action on AM1540 WBRY Shine 107.9 online at wbry.com and through the smart phones and tablets on WBRY by using the Tune In Radio app  

Color Of Fall Car Show Rescheduled Once Again To October 10th

Weather has rescheduled the  17th Annual Cannon County Chamber Of Commerce Color Of Fall Car and Truck Show. to Saturday October 10th.   The trophies and plaques are ready to be give to the winners  in over 40 classifications.  Best Camaro, Best Corvette, Best Chevy, Best Ford, Most Unique and even WBRY Radio will be awarding a trophy to the car with the best overall sound system being the biggest qualification of the award.  Weather permitting, registration will begin at 8 in the morning until 12 noon.  Judging will begin after 9 in the morning.  Registrations fee is $20 per vehicle and there will be door prizes, trivia contests, 50/50 drawing, vendors and more.  The event is set to take place at the Cannon County Courthouse on the square next Saturday October 10th

Eat Breakfast At Woodbury United Methodist Church Saturday

The First United Methodist Church located at 502 West High Street in Woodbury is hosting an Annual Country Ham Breakfast Saturday from 6 until 10 in the morning.  Tickets are $10.00.  Children 12 and under aere $5.00.  All proceeds go to fund mission projects.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  There will be a bake sale at the breakfast to benefit youth projects.  For more information call the church at 615-563-2135

12 Angry Men Debut At Arts Center Tonight

The Arts Center of Cannon County invites you to witness the drama that will unfold when 12 jurors are placed in a room to decide the fate of a 19 year old man who is on trial for murdering his father. This cutting edge stage play is sure to keep one at the edge of their seat and question the essence of how guilt and innocence is decided. Performances run October 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17 at 7:30pm
October 4 & 11 at 2:00pm
The Arts Center is located on 1424 John Bragg Highway, Office hours are 10:00a.m. to 4:00p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. For reservations or ticket information please call 615-563-(ARTS) 2787 or check out their website at artscenterofcc.com

Abigail Buchanan Grand Champion At 4H Chick Chain Event

The 4-H Chick Chain project is designed to teach 4-H members recommended management practices for growing and raising chickens. Congratulations to the Grand Champion winner from Woodland School, Abigail Buchanan, and the Reserve Grand Champion from Woodbury Grammar School, Dana Nixon. This year there were 32 participants which raised the chickens from June until October.  Each member did an excellent job!  All money raised from the auction benefits the 4-H Chick Chain Program next year.  Cannon County Extension staff would like to thank the 4-H members, parents, volunteers, and buyers for making this year’s Chick Chain Show and Auction a huge success. If you would like to be added to the poultry buyer mailing list of for more information, call the UT Extension office at 615-563-2554.          

Special Event Planned For Library Saturday

The Community is invited Saturday to the  Adams Memorial Library  for a fun-filled afternoon as Tom Mason and his Blue Buccaneers bring their pirate themed musical hour to Woodbury! All ages are welcome! The program starts at 1:00 PM and will be in the Jennings Community Room.