Army Grand Marshall The Late Frank Walkup To Be Honored During Parade

The Veterans Day Program and Parade which takes place November 13th and 14th has taken a sad turn with the passing of Frank Walkup who was named as one of the Grand Marshalls of the Veterans Day Parade.  WBRY continues the news series on the various Grand Marshals leading up to the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday November 14th.  Former Staff Sergeant Frank B. Walkup III served in the U.S. Army from 1986-1994 during the Operation Desert Storm era.  He served first in the 59th Ordinance Brigade in Germany at a NATO special weapons storage facility.  At the Headquarters 17th Field Artillery Brigade Fort Sill Oklahoma, he served as the Brigade counter-fire NCOIC.  Headquarters 75th Ranger Regiment was his next assignment where he was regimental field artillery liason at Ft. Benning Georgia and abroad.  His last assignment was headquarters 2nd Infantry Division, Korea, where he served as the Chief of Protocol and Security for Major General John N. Abrams, Commander 2nd Infantry Division forward. Some of Frank’s awards and honors include 4 Army Commendation Medals, 3 Army Achievement Medals, 2 Good Conduct Medals, the National Defense Service ribbon and the Korean Service Medal.  He was Airborne and Air Assault qualified.  
Frank was a Department Of Defense civilian working for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, as the Facility Manager at J. Percy Pries Lake and Dam.  
Of Frank’s 9 children, whom he considers to be his greatest accomplishments, four of his sons served or are still serving in the United States Army.
Frank passed away suddenly Monday night.  His funeral arrangements will be announced later in this newscast
The Veterans Day Program is November 13th starting at 8:30 at the Cannon County High School.  The Veterans Day Parade will be November 14th starting at 1:00 in downtown Woodbury.

Cannon Commission Meets Tonight

The Cannon County Commission will hold their regular monthly meeting tonight at the Cannon County Courthouse.  Items on the agenda include Audit Committee recommendation, Department and Committee reports and discuss resolution 2015-13 Health Department grant to build a new health department.  
Meeting will start at 5:00 in the Courtroom.

MTSU Salute To Veterans This Weekend

From the midmorning memorial service to a picnic featuring the Dr. Joe Nunley Award to the MTSU Band of Blue halftime salute, the 34th annual Salute to Armed Services Game is all about making veterans and their families feel special. All activities will take place on the MTSU campus, and most will lead up to the 2:30 p.m. kickoff for the Conference USA football game between the Blue Raiders and Marshall in Floyd Stadium.
Game tickets are complimentary for veterans and their families.
To find parking, the stadium and other buildings, a searchable campus parking map is available at
Since 1982, MTSU’s Salute to Armed Services events pay tribute to the men and women who serve or who have served in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. The Blue Raiders want fans to join them in one of the nation’s longest-running veterans’ celebrations.
The timeline of Salute to Armed Services events is as follows:
• 10:30 a.m. — Memorial service honoring Cold War veterans outside the Tom H. Jackson Building. Alumnus and retired U.S. Army Col. Mark Benedict will be guest speaker.
• 11:30 a.m. — Veterans and families picnic on the Kennon Sports Hall of Fame lawn.
• Noon — Silent auction in Kennon Hall of Fame, benefiting the Salute to Armed Services fund.
• Noon — Beer garden opens at Gate 3.
• 1 p.m. — Dr. Joe Nunley Award presentation at the picnic site. The 2015 recipient is Andy Womack, a decorated U.S. Army sergeant during the Vietnam War, MTSU alumnus and former state senator and State Farm agent.
• 1 p.m. — Veterans Village opens.
• 2:30 p.m. — Football kickoff.
• Halftime salute — MTSU Band of Blue performs military fight songs as each of the U.S. military branches — Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy — march across Jones Field together.
The Nunley award, formerly presented to a World War II veteran who also made his or her mark in life after serving their country, now “will be given to a veteran known for service to others in the Middle Tennessee community,” said MTSU alumnus John Furgess (’65) of Nashville, who helped found the event with Nunley.
“I was humbled to be chosen,” said Womack, 70, who grew up in Middle Tennessee. He is the son of the late Dr. Bob and Elizabeth Womack, both MTSU alumni; Dr. Bob Womack also was a longtime MTSU educator.
“I am proud of being a veteran and have always felt community service was an important part of my life, and certainly appreciate the fact someone appreciates my involvement in the community,” he said.
Womack’s military recognitions included a combat infantryman’s badge, Army commendation medal, Vietnam service medal and Good Conduct Medal.
As a member of the state Senate, Womack served as chair of the joint House and Senate committee on veterans’ affairs. While chair, the legislature created the first State Veterans Cemetery off Interstate 40 west of Nashville and established the first State Veterans Nursing Home on the VA property in Murfreesboro.
Womack and his wife, Cherry, are the parents of David Womack and Dana Fiveash and have two grandchildren, Molly and Mason Womack.
The Salute to Armed Services event also features an annual Marines Toys for Tots drive.
Collection barrels for new and unwrapped toys will be placed at each end of Floyd Stadium and at club level. People also can place donations in Marine ammunition cans with a slot; the Marines are not permitted to accept money from donors by hand.

Veterans Day Parade Features Marine Grand Marshall

The 2015 Veterans Day Program and Parade will take place Friday and Saturday November 13th and 14th.  Throughout the next two weeks WBRY will spotlight each of the parade grand marshals  leading up to the event Saturday.  Today we will start with the Marine Corps Grand Marshall Sgt.  Peter Douglas Parker.  Pete as he is called by his veteran friends, joined the United States Marine Corps from Portland Maine in 1973.  He was stationed at Camp Pendleton California.  Sgt. Parker proudly served in Vietnam with the 3rd Marine Division.  Sgt. Parker was a artillery weapons repairman and a tough combat Marine.  He received an honorable discharge for his service.  He was awarded the National Defense Service Medal, the Vietnam Service Medal, the Good Conduct Medal,  the Rifle Marksman Badge, and the Meritorious Unit Citation.  Sgt. Parker is a member of the American Legion Post 279 in Woodbury.  He resides with his wife Kathy in Cannon County and is a master antique clock repairman. The 2015 Veterans Day Program will take place at the Cannon County High School Friday November 13th starting at 8:30 in the morning.  The Veterans Day Parade will take place in Woodbury starting at 1:00 in the afternoon Saturday November 14th.

Cannon Courier Editor The Special Guest Of Historical Society Meeting

The Cannon County Historical Society announces it’s next meeting for Tuesday November 10th starting at 6:30 at the Cannon County Senior Center 609 Lehman Street in the small dining area.   Mike West, Editor of the Cannon Courier will be the featured speaker.  Mr. West will be speaking on topics concerning a recent article he wrote “Cannon Has Strong Forrest Connection” The article dealt with Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Raid on Murfreesboro on July 13 1862 and the Story of Forrest visit in Woodbury as he proceeded to Murfreesboro to free a number of Cannon Countians and others who were scheduled to be hanged the next morning.  Mike is a noted student of the War Between the States and he has written extensively about the high interest subject.  Program will begin at 7:00 and everyone is welcome

Lavergne Police Department Partners With Rutherford And Cannon County Child Advocacy Centers

Continuing our news series on the 19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Abuse and Violence toward Children and Youth The La Vergne Police Department and other local agencies are partnering with The Child Advocacy Center in Rutherford and Cannon Counties for the international “19 Days of Activism for the Prevention of Abuse and Violence toward Children and Youth”.  The main theme this year is “Bullying”.   More and more children, parents, and teachers struggle with bullying and its consequences in the home, on the playground, in the classroom, on the internet, and within communities.   
DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) is current taught in Elementary Schools throughout the city.  DARE is an international program that is used throughout the United States and approximately 43 other countries.  It is designed to educate children with resisting drugs and violence.  DARE has a lesson dedicated to Bullying along with a supplemental lesson on Bullying Prevention.  DARE  is a 10 week classroom program covering peer pressure, drug abuse resistance, healthy relationships, confidence in making healthy choices, and friendship. Prior to completing the program all students are required to complete an essay reflecting what they learned from the DARE program and how it affects their personal decision making.
Law Enforcement representatives from La Vergne Police Department participate in various anti-bullying activities and prevention throughout the year.  Preventative actions include primary prevention which targets the general population by raising awareness about Bullying; secondary prevention which targets “at risk” youth; and tertiary prevention focusing on setting where Bullying has already occurred.   La Vergne Police Department continues to examine the ways bullying manifests itself in our community and take measures to address this challenge.  La Vergne Police Depart recognizes that bullying is a multi-faceted and complex issue.  
La Vergne Police Department will continue to reach out to our community and partner with other organizations to prevent Bullying and provide resources for victims of Bullying.

Thank You From Cannon County S.A.V.E.

Cannon County SAVE Domestic Violence Agency would like to express our deepest thanks to everyone who made our recent fund raiser (SAVE Fest) such a big success.  We greatly appreciate the continued support and dedication to this agency and the victims we serve.  Without you, it would be difficult to continue our mission in stopping Domestic Violence in our community.   Following is a list of those who helped with this wonderful event. 
Thank You to the Following: 
Connie Higgins
Woodbury Farmers CO-OP
Auto Zone
O’Reilly’s Auto Parts
Ace Hardware (Woodbury)
The New Millennium
Jennings Jewelers
Briar Rose Flower and Girt
Sonic (Woodbury)
R-Town Produce
Piggly Wiggly (Woodbury)
Dollar General (Manchester Hwy)
Dollar Market (Woodbury)
Becky Vasser
Bob and Jean France
Terry Baird
Billy McCalahan
Chuck-E-Cheese (Murfreesboro)
The Farrer Family
Lanes Trains and Automobiles (Murfreesboro)
Dr. Deason
The Discovery Center (Murfreesboro)
Lewis Bakery
Cannon Courier
All Area Walmart’s and Sam’s club
The Dollar Tree (Smithville)
Prichard’s Bi Rite (Alexandria)
Southern Sass
Region’s Bank
Jumpers Playhouse (Murfreesboro)
Mark Vance Wildlife Officer
Woodbury Police Department
The Gilley Brother’s
Johnny Duggin
Still House Restaurant
Art Center/Blue Porch Restaurant
Bruce Steelman
Cannon County Sheriff’s Department
Woodbury Fire Department
Bryson Johnson
United Way
Larry and Wanda Parker
Roger Hindman
Myrna Blair
Teresa Walls
WBRY Radio
WGNS Radio
Carolyn Motley
The Beasley Foundation

School Board Member And U.S. Army Grand Marshall Frank Walkup III Passes Away

Just a week and a half before he was to be recognized as the U.S. Army Grand Marshall in the Cannon County Veterans Day Parade November 14th, Cannon County School Board Member Frank Walkup III passed away Monday night in the St. Thomas Stones River Hospital.  SSG Walkup served in the U.S. Army from 1986-1994.  Frank was also very active in the community where he currently served as a School Board Member.  He also served as the Public Address announcer for the Cannon County Home Football Games and as a play by play announcer for a season of football at WBRY.  A full tribute to Frank will be scheduled during Thursday’s news as each Grand Marshall of the Veterans Day Program will be spotlighted over the next two weeks. A full obituary can be viewed in the obituary section of this website

Woodbury Mayor And Board Of Aldermen Meet Tonight

Another light agenda makes up the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Woodbury Mayor and Board of Aldermen meeting tonight. On the agenda will be to consider the adoption of proposed Ordinance No. 476 on first reading which is an ordinance to amend the Woodbury Zoning Ordinance to amend the sign ordinance to include updated sign definitions and regulations pertaining to these sign types, as recommended by the Woodbury Planning Commission
Anthony Pelham would like to address the board concerning purchase of property for new sewer plant operations facility.  The meeting starts tonight at 7:00 in the Dude Northcutt Building formerly known as City Hall

Basketball Tip Off This Saturday

The Cannon County Basketball Tip-Off will take place this Saturday at Robert A Harris Gym.  The event features a BBQ plate along with admission to the skills competition and the alumni game. Presale tickets are available if you see any Cannon County High School Basketball Player or call Coach Matt Rigsby at 615-653-6036 or Johnathan Odom at 615-542-4607. The regular season opens up November 19th at Cannon County High School when they host Van Buren County from Spencer.