Auburn Wins Best Attendance Award

At the November 12th regular meeting of the Cannon Co. Board of Education, the annual attendance award was presented.  The winner for the best school attendance for the 2014-15 school year was Auburn School.  Auburn maintained an average yearly attendance of 96.1%.  All other Cannon Co. schools had exceptional attendance percentages as well.  All schools exceeded the State average for attendance. The attendance rates are as follows:   CCHS—95.6%
Short Mountain—95.5%
East Side—95%
West Side—94.9%
Woodbury Grammar—94.5%

Basketball Teams Swept In Season Opener

The Cannon County Lions and Lionettes opened the basketball season in an unusual fashion as both teams suffered big losses to Van Buren County in Woodbury Thursday night.  In the girls game, the Lionettes, who were playing without post player Autumn King who is out until possibly January after she suffered a big concussion earlier in the pre season, couldn’t give head coach Jonathan Odom a win in his debut as even though Kellie Davis scored 26. Van Buren County opened a nine point lead by half and just added to it the rest of the way in a 73-53 win over Cannon County.  Maleah Scott finished with 13 for the Lionettes. The Cannon County Lions know they need several players to score in double figures in order for them to have an opportunity to win.  After facing a two three zone defense most of the night, the Lions only had one in double figures as Briar Jakes netted 20 but none of the rest of his teammates came close in a 64-47 loss to the Eagles from Spencer.  Cannon never led in the game.   The Lions and Lionettes will have all day Friday to regroup before participating in the Hall of Fame games at Smith County Saturday.  The Cannon County teams will play four back to back games starting at 3:00 at Smith County High School vs Signal Mountain.  Then at 6:00 the two teams will move over to Smith County Middle School to play a pair of games against Bledsoe County.

State Unemployment Rate Decreases

 Tennessee Labor & Workforce Development Commissioner Burns Phillips announced today the Tennessee preliminary unemployment rate for October was 5.6 percent, one-tenth of one percentage point lower than the September revised rate of 5.7 percent. The U.S. preliminary rate for October was 5.0 percent, one-tenth of one percentage point lower than the prior month. Economic Summary
Tennessee’s unemployment rate for October declined slightly to 5.6 percent.
    Over the past year, Tennessee’s unemployment rate decreased from 6.6 percent to 5.6 percent while the national rate declined from 5.7 percent to 5.0 percent.
    The number of unemployed persons is the lowest since December 2007.
    Total nonfarm employment increased 10,400 jobs from September to October. The largest increases occurred in professional/business services, government, and wholesale trade.
    Over the year, nonfarm employment increased 50,200 jobs. The largest increases occurred in trade/transportation/utilities, leisure/hospitality, and professional/business services.

Donate Blood Today At Woodbury Lions Club Community Blood Drive

The Woodbury Lions Club is hosting a Cannon County Community Wide Area Blood Drive today at the Woodbury Lions Club Building from noon till 6 The American Red Cross encourages eligible donors to give blood to help ensure a sufficient blood supply throughout the holiday season.
A seasonal decline in donations often occurs from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day when donors get busy with family gatherings and travel. However, patients don’t get a holiday vacation from needing lifesaving transfusions. In fact, every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood.
Lorie Alwes remembers her father being called often to give blood – even on holidays. He had type O negative blood, the universal blood type. “One time it was in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner and off he went without hesitation,” she recalls. “He explained to us kids that his blood was used in emergency situations and could possibly save another life.”
Years later, Alwes learned that she also has type O negative blood. She has since donated whenever needed and has encouraged her 17-year-old son to carry on the lifesaving family tradition that was so important to his grandfather.
Donors with all blood types are needed, and especially those with types O negative, B negative, A negative and AB.
To make an appointment to donate blood, people can download the Red Cross Blood Donor App from app stores, visit or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
WBRY will have reports throughout the day from the Woodbury Lions Club Building promoting the Blood Drive today

2015-2016 High School Basketball Campaign Begins Tonight

The 2015-2016 High school basketball season is about to start for the Cannon County ball teams and while the Lionettes have revamped their entire coaching staff, the head coach and assistants are no strangers to Cannon County Basketball.  First year head coach Jonathan Odom takes over a program that features returning starters Kelli Davis and Autumn King.  These two seniors are the catalysts to another possible 20 plus win season and a deep run in the postseason.  While 83 percent of the scoring from last years team has graduated, the Cannon County Lions also look to their Seniors of Briar Jakes and post player Austin Martin to lead this team.  Tonight the teams host Van Buren County of Spencer in Robert A Harris Gym  Game time will be at 6:00.  WBRY AM 1540/FM 107.9 will broadcast the games live.  You can also hear the games streaming online at as well as through WBRY by using the Tune In Radio app on your smartphones and tablets.

Christmas Spirit Fills The Air Friday Downtown Woodbury

One more day until the 25th annual Cannon County Country Christmas takes place. Participating merchants have been excited this entire week as they can’t wait to share all of the Christmas shopping deals, refreshments and door prizes with consumers.  Over 20 local businesses open their doors Friday beginning at 9 in the morning for this special event.  You’ll find all kinds of gift sets at O’Grady’s Wine and Spirits .  The Cannon County Courthouse, Town Of Woodbury and Cannon County Chamber of Commerce team up to sponsor the Christmas music that will fill the air at the Courthouse starting at 5:00 Friday evening.  Santa is set to arrive at that time and will be at Ethan’s Custard and Chips for photo opportunities.  Higgins Flea Market is one of the other merchants participating.  They will be open Saturday with all of their vendors offering consumers special bargains and more.   WBRY AM-1540/FM107.9 will spotlight the businesses, events and new Christmas music during
the Cannon County Country Christmas Radio Special which will air between 5-7 Friday night.

Veterans Parade Winners Announced

The Concerned Citizens of Veterans and the American Legion Post announces the Veterans Day Parade winners of the various floats and vehicle competition Best Antique Vehicle Civilian or Military is Randal Davis with a WWII U.S. Armor 3/4 ton truck in mint condition.
Best Float went to the Smith Funeral Home Float pulled by Andy Duggin.  This float was decorated by Ms. Jessica Sullivan’s First Grade Class at the Woodbury Grammar School.  The float was filled with several Cannon County Veterans aboard waving and greeting the public.  
Best overall entry went to the Scout Master of Boy Scout Cub Pack 1180 Josh Rienhart, who led the parade with the American Flag, the Scout Flag and the Scouts.  
The organizations are already planning next years Veteran’s Day Program and Parades and encourages everyone to go by the Cannon County Courthouse to read the names on the Veterans monument and look at the almost 500 photos of local men and women on the Veterans Wall of Honor

Santa’s Coming To Woodbury

Santa Claus will be making an appearance in Woodbury this Friday during the 25th annual Cannon County Country Christmas event.  Santa will arrive at 5:00 on the square and the public is invited to enjoy wagon rides with Jolly St. Nick around the square compliments of the Tennessee Mule Skinners Association.  Pictures with Santa will begin at 6:30 at Ethan’s Custard and Chips loacted at 110 North Tatum Street.  Picture packages are only $10.00.  He will be there until 8:30.  Over 20 participating merchants offering refreshments, door prizes and christmas shopping bargains.  While business store hours will be from 9A to 9P, the banks participating FirstBank and First National Bank will be participating during normal banking hours on Friday only.  Both banks are closed as regular schedule on Saturday.  The Old Feed Store and Antique Mall offers great gift ideas in addition to the many gift giving opportunities you’ll find at Jennings Jewelers on the Square.  Next door you can get your pet all fixed up with gift certificates at the Purrfectly Pawlished Pet Salon.  Those are just a few of the many businesses participating in the event WBRY AM-1540/FM107.9 will spotlight the businesses, events and new Christmas music during
the Cannon County Country Christmas Radio Special which will air between 5-7 Friday night.

Gov Haslam Releases Statement About Syrian Refugees

Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam Monday released the following statement regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris and the placement of Syrian refugees: “As we mourn the loss of innocent life from Friday’s horrific and cowardly attacks in Paris, these terrible events have once again shown us that the threat of Islamic terrorism knows no boundaries and recognizes no borders. We as a state must do everything we can to provide Tennesseans the safe environment to live, work and raise a family that so many across the world seek.
“Since Friday the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security has been in contact with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and this administration has actively shared information with our local public safety partners across Tennessee.
“We are currently working to get specifics from the U.S. Department of State on the status of any Syrian refugees currently slated to come to Tennessee. While screening, acceptance and placement is legally under the authority of the federal government, they have said in the past they would be open to cooperating with receiving states. Today I’m asking the federal government to suspend placements in Tennessee until states can become more of a partner in the vetting process.”

Gear Up For Holiday Season At This Weekend’s Cannon County Country Christmas

Christmas Shopping Season gets it’s early start in Cannon County with the 25th annual Cannon County Country Christmas that takes place this weekend.  Several participating merchants mostly around the square and throughout the town Of Woodbury will be offering special discounts, various door prizes and refreshments starting Friday.  WBRY starts the series of individual merchants and activities that will be participating with the Cannon County Country Christmas.  Several gift stores and antique stores will be participating during the Christmas event.  Around the square there’s Iron Pig Antiques, Treasure Chest Antiques and Quilts, Lynn’s Pickett Fence, Briar Rose Flowers and Gifts, I’ll Be Back Antiques and Gifts.  Santa Claus will arrive on the square at 5:00 Friday evening in a mule pulled covered wagon.  People are encouraged to come and enjoy wagon rides around the square compliments of the Tennessee Mule Skinners Association.   WBRY AM-1540/FM107.9 will spotlight the businesses, events and new Christmas music during
the Cannon County Country Christmas Radio Special which will air between 5-7 Friday night.