The weather forecast calls for good weather this weekend. The officials of the Cannon County Chamber of Commerce Color of Fall Car show hope it holds true. The annual event was scheduled for the last Saturday of September but rain and bad weather forced the activity to be rescheduled twice. This Saturday the forecast calls for sunny skies, so the Color Of Fall Car Show will commence starting at 8:00 for car registration. Trophies will be awarded after all judging has been completed. The event coincides with a previously scheduled event which is the last car cruise in on the square event of the year. The cruise in will start around 2:00. Participants are encouraged to bring a toy for the Cruise In Toy Drive which will go toward the Angel Tree this Christmas. The TV from DTC Communications and Prizes from Iron Pig Antiques will be also given away during this all day event. Have you ever played Cow Patty Bingo? Saturday is your chance to win some money during this unique event at SAVE Fest at the Cannon County Fairgrounds. Cow Patty Bingo will take place from 2 until 3 in the afternoon. There will be games, facepainting, bouncy houses, several information booths from various non profit organizations, a self defense demonstration, and a silent auction. All proceeds will go toward the domestic violence program. Save Fest will take place until 6 pm Saturday night.