A Cannon County woman who called police in regards to a juvenile possibly consuming alcohol with relatives present was issued a citation herself for contributing to the deliquency of a minor. According to Sheriff’s reports, deputy Mike Hainey was dispatched to Main Street in Auburntown. He spoke to the complainant Misty Mingle who informed him that her daughter had gone fishing in Dekalb County with Ashley Boner and her husband Justin Mingle. After speaking to her daughter on her cell phone, she admitted to having consumed several beers by “sneaking them out of the cooler” A short time later the vehicle in which they were in arrived in Auburntown. Deputy Hainey explained to Ms. Boner and Mr. Mingle the basis for the traffic stop and then explained the complaint regarding underage consumption. Two juveniles were in the vehicle and Deputy Hainey could detect the faint odor of alcohol coming from them. Both admitted to drinking but also stated that the cooler was about only 20 feet from where both adults were fishing and were in the direct line of sight which gave probable cause that both adults knew about the juveniles drinking. Boner was placed under arrest for contributing to the deliquency of a minor after she admitted to buying the beer prior to going fishing. Ms. Mingle approached Deputy Hainey and stated that her daughter needed her purse. After asking Mr. Mingle if his daughter could have the purse, Mr. Mingle recommended to Deputy Hainey that he ask Misty about the cigarettes she had provided to her daughter. Deputy Hainey then instructed for the purse to be open at which point several packs of cigarettes were discovered. Misty was issued a citation for contributing to the deliquency of a minor. Deputy Hainey initiated juvenile petitions against both juveniles in the vehicle for deliquency.