Cannon Courier Editor The Special Guest Of Historical Society Meeting

The Cannon County Historical Society announces it’s next meeting for Tuesday November 10th starting at 6:30 at the Cannon County Senior Center 609 Lehman Street in the small dining area.   Mike West, Editor of the Cannon Courier will be the featured speaker.  Mr. West will be speaking on topics concerning a recent article he wrote “Cannon Has Strong Forrest Connection” The article dealt with Col. Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Raid on Murfreesboro on July 13 1862 and the Story of Forrest visit in Woodbury as he proceeded to Murfreesboro to free a number of Cannon Countians and others who were scheduled to be hanged the next morning.  Mike is a noted student of the War Between the States and he has written extensively about the high interest subject.  Program will begin at 7:00 and everyone is welcome