Cannon County Schools has announced that Monday, November 30th, 2020 will be a regular to On-Campus Instruction for ALL Cannon County Schools’ students. ALL Students will report to their respective schools for “live” instruction from their teachers.
Director of Cannon County Schools, William F. Curtis, stated, “Monday, November 30th, 2020 will mark a return to On-Campus Instruction. Even though Cannon County active cases are averaging around 130, reported cases or contacts in Cannon County Schools are low. As of today, Tuesday, November 24th, 2020, Cannon County Schools have REPORTED – 0 student active cases, 2 staff active cases, 21 student active contacts and 12 staff active contacts.
We are hopeful that these cases/contacts of COVID-19 will remain low in our schools during the coming weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas Break. December 18th, 2020 is designated as an ‘Abbreviated Day’ and students will be dismissed for Christmas Break at 10:00 AM on that date. Students will return and Cannon County Schools will be ‘Back in Session’ on Monday, January 4th, 2021.”
Curtis continued, “This is a very fluid situation and the Cannon County Board of Education’s desire is to return to On-Campus learning, but balances this desire with the safety and health of our students. So a return to Distance Learning could occur before Christmas Break begins on December 18th, 2020 depending on the number of cases and contacts in our schools. We monitor the numbers each day reported to our School Nurse and then consult with Local, Regional, and State Officials with the Tennessee Department of Health.”
“During this Thanksgiving time, I am “THANKful” for each one of our dedicated employees for the essential role that they play to make learning happen in our Cannon County Schools. Each employee and specifically our Teachers, have ALL adapted to this new environment, and I am getting very encouraging reports regarding student participation and learning taking place in our Elementary Schools. We are however, experiencing challenges with our older students regarding participation and completion of assigned work. Cannon County Schools will continue to press on with these in every way possible to get these students on board and learning to take place. So, getting our students back to On-Campus Learning is very important that students are receiving the very best instruction and interaction with their teachers in the On-Campus setting.”
Curtis concluded, “The Thanksgiving Holiday is here! What a well-deserved time of rest and relaxation that each of our employees have earned this year and hope this will be a time of rejuvenation from constant ‘COVID-19 Fatigue’ during this Thanksgiving Holiday! We sincerely ask each Parent/Guardian to be attentive to slowing the spread of COVID-19, and we will continue Social Distancing and encouraging our students and staff to wear masks. ALL of OUR Cannon County Schools Employees are committed to work for OUR common VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day and in EVERY Way!’ to fulfill OUR MISSION – ‘To create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for ALL Students to Reach Their Full Potential.’ Happy Thanksgiving from Cannon County Schools! We look forward to seeing our students back on our Campuses on Monday, November 30th, 2020!”