Cannon County Schools Issue Bullying Notice

As a part of Cannon County Schools’ School-Wide Positive Behavior Support program, bullying prevention efforts are an ongoing priority. The school system has developed the following strategy statement regarding bullying behaviors: We recognize bullying as the deliberate use of any word, look, sign, or act that hurts a person’s body, feelings, or things. We also recognize bullying as a type of violence that occurs when someone uses his or her power unfairly and repeatedly to hurt someone else.  
To make our school violence-free and safe from bullying, we pledge
·    not to tolerate bullying
·    to intervene in incidents of bullying and strictly enforce rules against bullying
·    to empower students to report bullying behavior and to treat one another with respect
As a part of the Bullying Prevention Program, students as well as staff, participate in lessons designed to help him/her
·    define bullying and understand what behaviors are considered bullying
·    understand the effect of bullying behaviors and develop empathy for targeted students
·    learn ways to respond to bullying behavior
·    learn when and how to report bullying
·    learn the consequences the school has established for engaging in bullying behavior
The overall goal of the Bullying Prevention program is to empower students to report bullying behaviors and to give school staff the tools to recognize, intervene, and issue consequences for bullying behaviors they witness or hear about from students. Students who bully receive appropriate consequences to help them realize that bullying behavior isn’t appropriate and won’t be tolerated at school.  
Additionally, all students participate in lessons concerning internet safety.  Parents may also continue this conversation by using the “NetSmartz® Workshop” which may be found on the Cannon County School District’s homepage.  “NetSmartz Workshop” is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides age-appropriate resources to help teach children how to be safer on- and offline. The program is designed for children ages 5-17, parents and guardians, educators, and law enforcement. With resources such as videos, games, activity cards, and presentations, NetSmartz entertains while it educates provides information to parents on how to keep students cyber-safe.  You may access this information at  under the “Headlines” link.   
For questions regarding the Bullying Prevention program and how it is implemented, parents may contact their child’s school principal or school counselor.