On Tuesday, November 5, approximately 80 faculty and staff members, including all school
administrators, district leaders, and School Resource officers from the Sheriff’s Office,
completed extensive first aid and school crisis training. Bill West, Safety Director for Cannon
County Schools, and Stephanie Alexander, Coordinated School Health Director, coordinated to
host the training for members from all schools in the district who hold additional duties of Crisis
Team members.
Brittany Laborde, Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Regional Overdose Prevention Specialist, presented Narcan training, which was followed by
Stop the Bleed training by Cannon County EMS Director Justin Harris.
The second part of the afternoon involved everyone participating in a tabletop exercise presented
by Bill West. Mr. West states, “The tabletop exercise is a perfect way for these stakeholders to
discuss procedures for managing a school crisis. So much was accomplished since each school
was represented by staff who shared the same duties for our crisis planning.”
Bonnie Patterson, Director of Schools, commented, “It is important to provide our staff with
training opportunities related to school safety. Mrs. Stephanie Alexander and Mr. Bill West are
valuable assets to our district, and they are reaching out to community partners to help provide
these opportunities for our staff.”