Cannon County SAVE Program Publicly Thanks Those Who Have Helped With New Shelter

The Cannon County SAVE held an open house at their new shelter in March.  The event took several weeks of planning and many volunteer hours.  At the open house guests received tours of the facility and was informed about future plans for the agency.  When the Shelter is operational it will be able to provide emergency shelter for 16 victims of violence.  Once the showers are completed they will begin taking in domestic violence victims.  The plans are to be open by the end of this week.  The Cannon County SAVE staff, and Board of Directors would like to publicly thank the following:  The anonymous donor of the building Readyville FCE Melanie O’Neal
Bob Parks Reality
Stephanie Hendricks
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Horner
Jerusalem Cumberland Presbyterian Church (Grace Team)
Donald and Rosemary Corley
Daniel McFerrin
Marvin Corley
Ivy Bluff Church of Christ
Jan Hutchins and Patsy Paul
Larry and Wanda Parker
Iconium Church of Christ
Cannon County Jail (Ed Brown, Mandy Litchford, Roger Jett and their crews)
Murfreesboro Domestic Violence Agency
Woodbury Church of Christ
Crane Interiors
DTC Communications
Jeremy Abshire
Jeremy Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dunn
Kelsey Bush