The Cannon County Republican Party in compliance with the State of Tennessee Republican Party By-laws will hold a reorganization meeting on Feb 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the Cannon County Courthouse. The public is invited and encouraged to attend this meeting. Please be aware that the rules and qualifications governing who may become officers for the Republican Party state that any individual seeking to become County officers must have voted in the last three Republican Primary Elections, be active within the county party or a recognized auxiliary organization and be able to be vouched for to the satisfaction of the State Chairman as a bonafide Republican.
Anyone wishing to contest the results of the election may do so in writing to the State of Tennessee Republican Party Chairman at 2424 21st Avenue Suite 200 Nashville Tennessee 37212, no later than 10 days from the date of the reorganization. The contest and credentials chairman for the Cannon County Republican Party is Gerry Nokes at 174 Nokes Lane Woodbury TN 37190