Cannon County High School will transition to an A/B Schedule on Monday, January 11th. This means that approximately one-half of CCHS Students will be On-Campus Learning, while the other one-half of CCHS Students are off-campus participating in Synchronous Distance Learning. ALL Cannon High School Students will be participating in Synchronous Distance Learning on Fridays. This CCHS A/B Schedule will continue until the number of Cases/Contacts of COVID-19 decrease in regard to Cannon County High School.
Students with the last name A-K will report to CCHS on Monday and Wednesday; Students with the last name L-Z will report to CCHS on Tuesday and Thursday; and Friday will be a Synchronous Distance Learning Day for all students. Teachers will use the adopted curriculum materials for Cannon County School District. If a digital platform is not available, materials will be uploaded into Google Classroom for distance access. Consumable materials may be sent home for those students without access to the internet, all materials will be in Google Classroom, and completed work will be in Google Classroom.
Teacher discretion will be used to determine the most appropriate teaching strategies based on each course curriculum and what works best for the needs of Cannon County High School Students. Classroom Instruction will include, but not be limited to: Instruction delivered synchronously via Google Meet for those students who are on the alternate block day and are not present in person in a CCHS classroom. These will be recorded and then uploaded to Google Classroom for student reference or kept in on the individual Class Google drive if not uploaded to Google Classroom. Instruction can be given to students present in class with independent work on the virtual day.
While in class students are working independently, distance learners can receive instruction asynchronously via Google Classroom or printed packets. Students who are failing must report on Fridays to make up work; specifically, CCHS Seniors who failed a First Semester class will be required to attend to make up the credit; and CCHS Freshmen who failed a First Semester English or Math class will be required to attend to make up the credit. Additional Failing students will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and subject to attendance each day. Alternative School Students will report to CCHS EVERY Day.

Cannon County High School Principal Courtney Nichols stated, “The CCHS A/B schedule will allow Cannon County High School to have fewer students in the classrooms which will help with social distancing. This will hopefully reduce the number of contacts when we have positive cases of COVID-19. Our main goal is to keep students in school as long as possible without having to go fully to distance learning. We are well aware of the challenges that Distance Learning brings to the majority of students, and this A/B approach will decrease the amount of students who are not participating in Distance Learning which will assist us in reducing the number of students in danger of failing classes.
Director of Cannon County Schools, Mr. William F. Curtis stated, “This CCHS A/B Schedule is a unique and innovative approach to the recent surge in the number of positive cases and contacts of COVID-19 with students and staff at Cannon County High School this past week. Mr. Nichols approached me with a plan to keep students on campus, and a way to do more social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19 so we do not have to resort to total Distance Learning of all CCHS Students. I appreciate CCHS’s every effort for the continuation of learning and a reduction in those failing classes. This approach hopefully will do both, however we are continually monitoring the COVID-19 situation at CCHS and at all our Elementary Schools. Parents of Cannon County High School Students have been contacted by School Officials via multiple means, and we sincerely appreciate their cooperation in these unprecedented times.”
Curtis continued, “Our Reopening Plan has be re-evaluated by Supervisors, Principals, and Teacher Representatives recently and will be voted on by the Cannon County Board of Education at its Regular Monthly Meeting on Thursday, January 14th, 2021. ALL Cannon County Elementary Schools will remain participating in On-Campus Learning, unless their number of Cases/Contacts rises above certain percentage levels. We are continually monitoring the COVID-19 situation at all our Elementary Schools in Cannon County and will follow our reevaluated Reopening Plan. All Cannon County School Students will still have School Bus Services.
Cannon County Schools appreciates the hard work of Cannon County High School Principal Mr. Courtney Nichols, Teachers, and Staff Members to continue the education of the students of the Cannon County Community during this pandemic event. Our desire is to achieve OUR common VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day and in EVERY Way!’ to fulfill OUR MISSION – ‘To create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for ALL Students to Reach Their Full Potential.’ Please contact Cannon County High School at 629-218-3197 for any additional needed information.”