Cannon County Graduation Rate Rises

Tennessee Department of Education and Cannon County Schools Releases 2019-20 Graduation Rate Data – Cannon County High School Rate Rises

This week, the Tennessee Department of Education released the graduation rate for the 2019-20 school year. Of the 2019-20 cohort, over a third of districts improved their graduation rates and 89.6 percent graduated on time with a regular diploma, a slight dip (0.1 percent) compared to last year. Cannon County High School improved their graduation rate to 94.0%.

Access the 2019-20 graduation rate data here: 

Each year, there is a critical time period from around March through August when schools help students complete credits and meet graduation requirements. This year in those critical months, there were significant COVID-19 disruptions that may have impacted how students received essential supports.  

“Tennessee has set high expectations for students and educators and we recognize their hard work and achievements despite a global pandemic, but any dip in graduation rate is highly concerning,” said Commissioner Penny Schwinn. “As we look for ways to improve, we will continue to partner with districts and use data to help inform strategies for setting students on a path to success.” 

For the 2019-20 school year, the most notable takeaways in the state are: 

  • 69 districts improved their graduation rates from 2019 to 2020.   
  • 58 districts graduated 95 percent or more of their cohorts. 
  • 37 schools had graduation rates of 100 percent. 
  • Six districts improved by five percentage points or more—Dyersburg City Schools, Fayetteville City Schools, Hardeman County Schools, Obion County Schools, Weakley County Schools, and West Carroll Special School District. 
  • 529 fewer students graduated in the 2020 cohort compared to last year, for a total of 64,514.  

The most notable takeaways from the student groups statewide for the 2019-20 school year are: 

  • 36 districts improved the Students with Disabilities student group by five percentage points or more. Overall, the Students with Disabilities student group improved from 72.5 percent for the 2018-19 school year to 73.1 percent for 2019-20. 
  • While 23 districts improved the Economically Disadvantaged student group by five percentage points or more, the overall student group slightly declined from 82.9 percent to 82.7 percent for 2019-20. 
  • 14 districts improved the Black/Hispanic/Native American student group by five percentage points or more. Moreover, this student group slightly declined from 83.7 percent in 2018-19 to 82.9 percent for the 2019-20 graduation cohort. 
  • Five districts improved the English Learner student group by five percentage points or more. Overall, the English learner student group declined from 71.9 percent for 2018-19 to 68.6 percent for the 2019-20 cohort. 

Cannon County was among 69 Districts to improve their Graduation Rate from 2019 to 2020. Cannon County High School’s Graduation Rate was 94.0% for 2019-2020, which was a 3.0% increase from the rate in 2019-2020 of 91.0%.  Female Graduation Rate decreased 5.0% from 98.5% in 2018 – 2019 to 93.5%, however, the Male Graduation Rate increased 9.6% from 84.8% in 2018-2019 to 94.4% in 2019-2020.  Economically Disadvantaged increased 4% from 84.0% to 88.9%; and Students with Disabilities increased tremendously with a 68.0% Graduation Rate in 2018-2019 to an amazing 94.7% in 2019-2020 or 26% increase.  The Tennessee State Average was 89.6%.

Director of Cannon County Schools, William F. Curtis, commented, “I echo Commissioner Penny Schwinn’s comments that ‘we have set high expectations for students and educators and we recognize their hard work and achievements despite a global pandemic’, but we believe we can do even better!  Cannon County High School is to be commended for their efforts, and I look forward to 2021’s Graduation Rate being even higher!  It is all of us, the Cannon County Community, Parents, Teachers, and Staff working together to achieve our VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ through our MISSION – ‘To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential!’  Cannon County Schools are continuing to advance, and we must continue every effort for our students to graduate from Cannon County High School ‘College and Career’ ready!”