The Cannon County Budget Committee thought they had the budget for the new fiscal year figured out. At last Tuesday’s meeting the Committee voted not to raise property taxes but to fund the budget by making a recommendation to the full Cannon County Commissioners during their August meeting to raise the wheel tax $20.00. However when the idea was brought to the table, Cannon County Executive explained the process in which it would take for the County Commissioners to pass a wheel tax resolution. The resolution has to pass two thirds majority vote by the Cannon County Commissioners on two readings of the resolution which would take place during the August and September meeting. Friday, County Executive Gannon found out that the proposal to raise the wheel tax would not work for this year because all county budgets have to be approved by October 1st and if a budget and funding of the budget has not been set by October 1st, the County Government would be shut down. So with this new information coming to light, the Cannon County Budget Committee will meet in a special session Tuesday to discuss the funding of the budget. CTAS representative Ben Rodgers will be on hand to talk with the Budget Committee. Meeting starts Tuesday at 5:00 in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse.