The Tennessee Department of Education has announced over $2.6 million in Perkins Reserve Grant (PRG) grant funds have been awarded to 32 school districts (including Cannon County) for the 2023-24 school year to support Career and Technical Education (CTE) across the state.
The purpose of PRG awards is to foster local innovation through the identification and promotion of CTE and to support implementation of programs and career pathways aligned with regionally identified high-skill, high-wage, and/or in-demand occupations or industries. The PRG opportunity is designed especially to support districts in rural areas, maintain high CTE student participation rates, and/or report disparities in performance amongst students.
This year’s PRG grant award recipients submitted secondary and/or regional career pathways grant applications with action steps to support the department’s strategic initiative, Innovative School Models, by ensuring alignment to at least one of the innovative practice areas: time, space, modes of learning, and partnerships. The regional career pathways applications also included a regionally focused secondary and postsecondary or workforce partnership.
The Tennessee school districts awarded a 2023-24 Perkins Reserve Grant in our area include:
School District | Amount | Award Category |
Cannon County Schools | $200,000 | Regional Career Pathway |
DeKalb County Schools | $50,000 | Secondary |
Warren County Schools | $50,000 | Secondary |
The PRG process is a competitive grant opportunity made possible through the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Perkins V) legislation passed in 2018, which provides annual federal funding to support CTE programs nationwide. In 2020, the PRG opportunity was redesigned under the four-year Strengthening Career and Technical Education in Tennessee state plan. The state plan ensures alignment between PRG funding, CTE opportunities and career pathways, and the department’s strategic plan, Best for All.
“Cannon County Schools is fortunate to be a recipient of the Perkins Reserve Grant for the 2023-2024 school year in the amount of $200,000.00,” said Mrs. Crystal Kennedy, Career and Technical Education Director of Cannon County Schools. “Being a recipient of the Perkins Reserve Grant will provide needed resources allowing Cannon County students access to industry-specific equipment and training in high-skill, high-wage, and in-demand occupations and the opportunity to graduate with post-secondary credit and credentials. Early access to these programs and strong community and industry partners will allow students to enter the workforce better prepared and well trained to begin their chosen career.”
More information on the Perkins Reserve Grant can be found here.