The Cannon County Board of Education will be conducting a “Restructuring Roundtable” Discussion Forum on Thursday, August 26th, 2021 – 6:30 PM at Cannon County High School Gymnasium, 1 Lion Drive, Woodbury, TN 37190. This Forum’s purpose is to gather input from various stakeholders in the Cannon County Community in regard to the possible restructuring of Cannon County Schools as a GOAL of the Cannon County Schools Strategic Plan 2021-2022. This “meeting” will be open to all members of the Cannon County Community to observe Board Members and Roundtable participants as they gather input for the Cannon County Schools Strategic Plan. Cannon County Board of Education Chairman Aletha Thomas stated, “Unfortunately someone unknown to the Cannon County Board of Education, decided to take out an ad in this week’s Cannon Courier (TUESDAY, August 24th, 2021 edition). The advertisement misrepresents Thursday night’s organized forum. A statement in the ad reads, ‘This meeting will be open to all discussion.’ That is completely false, written to lead the public to believe that anyone and everyone can speak and ask questions. This will be an ‘information gathering’ session to examine what is needed for the future of our schools, not a night for debate and argument, but to brainstorm about the future for the students of Cannon County.”
The Cannon County Board of Education has been working on the Cannon County Schools Strategic Plan since September 2020 with Goal #4 stating, “Develop a long-range facilities plan that provides opportunities and resources for all Students, Faculties, and Staffs.” The Forum will gather input from various stakeholders i.e. Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Elected Officials, Business Leaders, Community Members, and local Citizens regarding multiple areas of topics such as facilities, courses offered, additions to curriculum, extra-curricular activities, test scores, and other related topics. People have been invited that have different and varied opinions in regard to the possibility of the restructuring and related topics of Cannon County Schools in the future. This information gathering will aid the Board in not only “developing” the Strategic Plan but now move toward “implementing” the long-range facilities plan.
Cannon County Board of Education Chairman, Mrs. Aletha Thomas stated, “The Forum will have invited participants interact with a table leader with various topics for 10-11 minutes each. The Facilitator for the Forum will be the ‘Timekeeper’ and the participants will move forward to another topic at the appropriate time. At the conclusion of the Forum, summaries will be given and notes from each table presented to the Board. This evening will be about productivity and progress toward development and implementation of a long-term Strategic Plan and other related topics which will provide opportunities and resources for all students in our county.”
The venue for the Roundtable Forum will be in the Cannon County High School Gymnasium at 6:30 PM – Thursday, August 26th, 2021. The CCHS Girls Volleyball Game that was scheduled for Thursday, August 26th, 2021 in the CCHS Gymnasium has been moved to Woodbury Grammar School Gymnasium with the Junior Varsity Game starting at 4:00 PM and the Varsity Game beginning at 5:00 PM.
The Cannon County Board of Education desires the submission of questions that could be used at the Forum. Please email questions to Cannon County Board of Education Members at the following email addresses:
Mr. Wade McMackins – District 1 Member:
Mrs. Jennifer Duggin – District 2 Member:
Mr. Derrick Mullins – District 3 Member:
Miss Carly Gannon – District 4 Member:
Mrs. Aletha Thomas – District 5 Member: .
The VISION and MISSION of Cannon County Schools which has been adopted by the Cannon County Board of Education states, “VISION – ‘Engaged in Excellence EVERY Day in EVERY Way!’ through OUR MISSION – ‘To Create a Unified Environment That Will Provide Opportunities for All Students to Reach Their Full Potential!’ The GOALS of Cannon County Schools and the focus of the Strategic Plan of the Cannon County Board of Education are:
‘• Provide a safe and supportive learning environment in a unified community;
• Creating a ‘Culture of Excellence’ through high expectations in all areas;
• Engage families and the community as partners in the learning process;
• Develop a long-range facilities plan that provides opportunities and resources for all Students, Faculties, and Staffs.’”