Benefit Supper and Auction At Woodland School To Help Cancer Patient

A benefit supper and live auction to help fund medical and travel expenses for Julia Warren will be held August 1st at Woodland School.  Julia is a young girl who lives in Cannon County and was diagnosed with Sarcoma which is a rare and aggressive form of tissue cancer.  The 9 year old 3rd grader has to travel back and forth to Baltimore Maryland at the John Hopkins Institute for surgeries and further treatment.  A couple of weeks ago the doctors found a possible fungal infection and Julia underwent a lung biopsy as doctors also considered the cancer to be metastasized.  The results from the biopsy will determine the future course of treatment for Julia.  Dinner starts at 4:00 with the auction starting at 6:00.  The Woodland Community would like to invite everyone to this event to help young Julia out.