The Veterans Day Program and Parade which takes place November 13th and 14th has taken a sad turn with the passing of Frank Walkup who was named as one of the Grand Marshalls of the Veterans Day Parade. WBRY continues the news series on the various Grand Marshals leading up to the Veterans Day Parade on Saturday November 14th. Former Staff Sergeant Frank B. Walkup III served in the U.S. Army from 1986-1994 during the Operation Desert Storm era. He served first in the 59th Ordinance Brigade in Germany at a NATO special weapons storage facility. At the Headquarters 17th Field Artillery Brigade Fort Sill Oklahoma, he served as the Brigade counter-fire NCOIC. Headquarters 75th Ranger Regiment was his next assignment where he was regimental field artillery liason at Ft. Benning Georgia and abroad. His last assignment was headquarters 2nd Infantry Division, Korea, where he served as the Chief of Protocol and Security for Major General John N. Abrams, Commander 2nd Infantry Division forward. Some of Frank’s awards and honors include 4 Army Commendation Medals, 3 Army Achievement Medals, 2 Good Conduct Medals, the National Defense Service ribbon and the Korean Service Medal. He was Airborne and Air Assault qualified.
Frank was a Department Of Defense civilian working for the US Army Corps of Engineers, Nashville District, as the Facility Manager at J. Percy Pries Lake and Dam.
Of Frank’s 9 children, whom he considers to be his greatest accomplishments, four of his sons served or are still serving in the United States Army.
Frank passed away suddenly Monday night. His funeral arrangements will be announced later in this newscast
The Veterans Day Program is November 13th starting at 8:30 at the Cannon County High School. The Veterans Day Parade will be November 14th starting at 1:00 in downtown Woodbury.