American Legion Post Recognizes County Employees

The Hilton Stone American Legion Post 279 is truly honored topresent certificates of appreciation/ meritorious service, and
trophies to the outstanding County first responders and
outstanding employee selected by the County. American Legion Post 279
Adjutant, Brent Bush, read the citations. Executive Board Member,
Christine Barrett, read the Certificates of Meritorious Service.
Commander of Post 279, Charlie F. Harrell, presented the trophies to the
The Awardees for 2015 are:
William H.(Bill) Avera, Outstanding Deputy in the
Sheriff’s Department; Larry Powell, Outstanding
Firefighter; Jonathan Scurlock, Outstanding Rescue
Responder; Jason Barrett, Outstanding Medical
Technician; Joe Loftus, Outstanding Paramedic; and Angela
Schwartz, Outstanding Employee. (SEE INDIVIDUAL PHOTOS).
The American Legion Post 279 partnered with the City of
Woodbury and Cannon County to insure that the Outstanding
people in our great City and County get proper recognition
for their truly outstanding job they do for our City and
County. No matter what profession or business you are in, we
normally don’t stop to thank our good employees, we just take
it for granite. When you recognize and reward your
outstanding employees, it inspires the other employees to go
that extra mile to get that same reward and recognition.
CONGRATULATIONS! To our outstanding County employees for 2015. WELL