All 95 Counties Sign Suicide Prevention Proclamation

have signed Gov. Lee’s 2020 suicide prevention proclamation. For the first time since its inception, the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network has secured signed suicide prevention proclamations from all 95 Tennessee county mayors.

The proclamations declare September as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month and denote a commitment to suicide prevention in Tennessee. Proclamations from 67 cities and 3 universities were secured, as well.

“These proclamations are a testament to the statewide dedication and support of local government leaders acknowledging September as Suicide Prevention and Awareness month,” stated TSPN Interim Executive Director Misty Leitsch. “The support and acknowledgement from local government and Governor Lee go to show that leaders in Tennessee are taking suicide prevention seriously.”

TSPN staff and volunteers worked throughout the month of September and beyond to secure these proclamations from local leaders.

In a video recorded for TSPN’s annual statewide event held September 9, Gov. Lee stated, “I strongly believe in the Tennessee Suicide Prevention Network’s mission to save lives and to connect with people across our state. Their purpose is critical because they educate Tennesseans on the warning signs of suicide and give resources to those in our community who need them most.”

Suicide prevention resources, as well as information on upcoming events and trainings all over Tennessee, can be found online at