Matt Teply Cannon County Administrator Of Elections was among 6 total new administrators who recently passed the state certification exam Secretary of State Tre Hargett said “I’m very proud of these six hardworking election officials. We want all 95 counties to have certified election administrators, which gives Tennesseans confidence those running elections across the state are doing it fairly and in accordance with state law,”
The accomplishment has a financial incentive, which means an administrator cannot be paid less than the certified pay rate for their respective county.
Participants must first complete a training process that covers 40 different topics related to election law.
The exam, which is administered by Coordinator of Elections Mark Goins, is a rigorous closed book, written assessment that can last up to three and a half hours. Questions, which are based on statutory requirements, range from voter registration to Election Day guidelines.
The Division of Elections graded the exams, which was certified by the State Election Commission on Monday, October 12.