By a 6-4 vote, the Cannon County Commissioners approved the appropriations and the tax levy resolutions in separate votes Monday night during the special called meeting of the Cannon County Commission. The Cannon County Budget Committee met a total of 16 times and made a recommendation to cut 2.75% from last year’s spending totals by each county general department and raise the property tax to just 15 cents which is a total of $2.68. The property tax could be lowered 13 cents if the wheel tax proposal is approved an issue that could take up to the March election to decide. This would give the revenue a much needed boost to send the general fund balance at the end of the 2015-2016 fiscal year to $600,000. That would be a huge step in getting the fund balance back to where the State of Tennessee says it should be. Commissioners Russell Reed, Jim Bush, Brent Bush and Karen Ashford voted against the resolutions.