The Cannon/Warren Master Gardener Class is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, January 20th. This intensive 36-hour home horticulture course will be held in 12 3-hour sessions With topics including soils and fertility; botany; vegetables; fruit trees; shrubs; ornamentals; insects & disease; pesticides; lawn maintenance; composting; irrigation; landscaping.
The classes will begin at 6:00 P.M. and held in the McMinnville at the Warren County Administrative Building located on 201 Locust Street. The cost of the program is $100 and couples can attend for$125. Participants will receive an 859-page Master Gardener Handbook as well as a wealth of information during the series of classes. If you would like to participate in this year’s class, please contact the Cannon County Extension to register: (615) 563-2554.